1.a government typified by a rigid hierarchy of bureaus, administrators, and minor officials. 2.a body of administrators; officialdom. 3.administration characterized by excessive red tape and routine. —bureaucratie,adj. bureaucratese turgid, misleading language, as typical of bureaucracies.Cf. feder...
Since China used to have scores below 4, being above 6 is a lot of progress. And something similar presumably happened with Vietnam (though it only produced enough data to get scores starting in 2000). The interesting question is what happens to these countries in the future. Will there b...
Bureaucrats always do their job, in terms of ensuring that individuals fulfill the necessary regulation. This is similar to what Shleifer and Vishny (1993) termed “corruption without theft”. However, outright extortion is ruled out. Extortion refers to the case when bureaucrats charge for doing ...
Key Terms Rational-legal authority: A form of leadership in which the authority of an organization or a ruling regime is largely tied to legal rationality, legal legitimacy and bureaucracy. ideal type: An ideal type is not a particular person or thing that exists in the world, but an extreme...
Bureaucracy and the Liberalisation After independence the newly emerged Indian State was characterized by the dominant role in all the spheres of society. It was a welfare state whose objective was to secure political‚ social and economic justice to all the sections ...
BUREAUCRATS in fiction are usually characterized as schizophrenic, with a manifest fawning nature and piteous soullessness. In contrast, history records the growing prestige of the bureaucrat or ‘general staff’ in modern times. Even as the efficiency of bureaucracies in terms of sheer span and ou...
Answer and Explanation: The correct answer isDmatrix design. Matrix organizational structure combines either two or more types of structures to be used by an organization...