参考来源: 1.Byrski T, Huzarski T, Dent R, et al:Pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant cisplatin inBRCA1 positive breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat 147:401-5, 2014 2.KaufmanB,ShapiraFrommer R, Schmutzler RK, et al:...
3.Koobotse M, Holly J, Perks C. Elucidating the Novel BRCA1 Function as a Non-Genomic Metabolic Restraint in ER-Positive Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Oncotarget (2018) 9:33562–76. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.26093 4.Koobotse MO, Schmidt D, Holly JMP, Perks ...
The results of the study confirm the high pCR rate in BRCA1-positive breast cancer after platinum-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Larger randomized studies and longer follow-up times are necessary to evaluate the role of platinum-based therapies in BRCA1-positive breast cancer....
2005. Cytokeratin 5/14-positive breast cancer: True basal phenotype confined to BRCA1 tumors. Mod. Pathol 18: 1321.Laakso M et al (2005) Cytokeratin 5/14-positive breast cancer: true basal phenotype confined to BRCA1 tumors. Mod Pathol 18(10):1321-1328...
产品名称 Recombinant Breast Cancer Susceptibility Protein 1 (BRCA1) 产品规格 50µg 200µg 1mg 5mg 有效成分含量 99% 是否进口 是 用途范围 Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB. 如果需要有生物活性的蛋白,请参见活性蛋白。 包装规格 0.5kg 来源 原核表达 片段与标签 Gln19~Val83 with...
Response to neoadjuvant therapy with cisplatin in BRCA1-positive breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2009; 115: 359–363. CAS Google Scholar Byrski T, Dent R, Blecharz P, Foszczynska-Kloda M, Gronwald J, Huzarski T et al. Results of a phase II open-label, non-randomized...
Suggested positive control: U2OS and MCF-7 whole cell lysates. 靶标信息 BRCA1 (breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility protein 1) is a nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a role in maintaining genomic stability and acts as a tumor suppressor in combination with other tumor suppressors, DNA damage ...
Suggested positive control: U2OS and MCF-7 whole cell lysates. 靶标信息 BRCA1 (breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility protein 1) is a nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a role in maintaining genomic stability and acts as a tumor suppressor in combination with other tumor suppressors, DNA damage ...
I’ve just undergone my 7th surgery in 9 months. My body has had it, and I’m thinking about how this cancer could’ve been prevented if I had known I was #brca1 positive before. Immediately following my double mastectomy with expander placement. So sore. So out of it. My chest feel...
BRCA1.5positiveBRCA2in10tripie.negativebreastcancerpatients.ThestatusofCK5/6andCK14intripleand non—tripienegativebreastcancerwasdiferent.Thetripie,negativebreastcancerpatients,whohaveoneofpositive statusinCK5/6。CK14.CK17orEGFR,werebelongtoBasal—likegroup,andtheotherbreastcancerpatientswere ...