idleakage,drainage,repeatedcraniotomy(≥2times)weresignificantlyrelatedtotheoccurrenceofintracranialin fection.Logisticregressionanalysisindicatedcerebrospinalfluidleakageanddrainageastheindependentfactorsfor intracranialinfection.ConclusionIntracranialinfectionisaseriouscomplicationoftraumaticbraininjury.Pa tientswithdrainageorcereb...
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CEREBROSPINAL fluid leakCEREBRAL edemaCEREBRAL anoxiaSURGICAL diagnosisCLINICAL deteriorationThis report delineates the intricate diagnostic journey and therapeutic conundrum presented by a 61-year-old male who exhibited atypical neurological deterioration shortly after lumbar fusion surgery, manifesting clinical ...
Acquired Chiari I malformation secondary to spontaneous spinal cerebrospinal fluid leakage and chronic intracranial hypotension syndrome in seven cases. J Neurosurg 1998;88:237–242. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Lee M, Rezai AR, Wisoff JH. Acquired Chiari-I malformation and hydromyelia ...
been speculated that the cysts ruptured intocerebrospinal fluid circulationby the mechanical effects of some forced activities to thebrain tissueand cyst, such as excessive breathing, coughing and sport activities. As absorption of the subdural fluid proceeded,cyst fluidleakage into thesubdural spacecould...
Spinal cord injury mTOR: Mammalian target of rapamycin WD: Weight drop ICH: Intracerebral hemorrhage SMA: Superior mesenteric artery BDNF: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor CD55: Complement decay-accelerating factor Nrf2: Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 ICAM-1: Intercellular adhe...
It has been reported that in the intraluminal MCAo rat model there is a leakage of large molecules through the BBB already 25 min after reperfusion [1, 64]. Intranasal rhMANF therapy increased the MANF serum concentration about 0.85 ng/ml i.e., 20% compared to the endogenous level. ...
(e.g. skull or dura opening, cerebro-spinal fluid leakage, device insertion, tissue resection)4,5,6. Commonly referred to as brain shift (BS), displacements are generally comparable if not 2–3 times larger than the current accuracy of image-guided neurosurgical systems (IGNS)1,2,7. ...
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(which can lead to stroke, paralysis, or death); subcutaneous hemorrhage or seroma; hematoma; cerebrospinal fluid leakage or cerebrospinal fluid abnormality; brain contusion; infection or inflammation; antibiotic anaphylaxis; skin disorder; edema; persistent pain at surgery site or IPG site; erosion; ...