neutron capture cross sectioninelastic scatteringgamma-spectrumparticle yieldThis document is part of the Supplement containing the complete sets of data of Volume 24 'Neutron Resonance Parameters' of Landolt-Brnstein - Group I ' Elementary Particles , Nuclei and Atoms'. It provides the neutron ...
BNCT是Boron Neutron Capture Therapy的简称。 ●硼(Boron) 在BNCT疗法中使用的硼是对身体无害的元素。硼是大家身边常见的元素,也被用于漱口水、眼药水和洗眼药中。 ●中子(Neutron) 中子是构成原子核的粒子之一。在BNCT疗法中,将把中子的能量缩小,使其减少对身体的影响,从而加以利用。 治疗的方法 (1)在BNCT加速...
The capture cross section of natural boron for slow neutrons has been measured by a dynamic method, in which the decay constant of neutrons in a water tank was plotted against the concentration of added borax. Samples were compared with a standard boron oxide in GLEEP at the Atomic Energy Res...
The neutron capture cross-sections (σ) vary significantly between nuclides. Because the thermal neutrons are preferentially captured by10B nuclei (3837 barn, capture cross-section many times greater than that of C (0.0037 barn), H (0.332 barn), O (0.0002 barn), and N (1.75 barn) of which...
Due to its properties, B4C is mainly applied as a ceramic material for the production of abrasion-resistant molds, low-wear bearings, nozzles and ballistic armor, as well as in the nuclear industry as a neutron absorber due to its high cross-section and self-repair ability [11]. B4C ...
(PBFT), which has recently been experimentally proved by Cirrone et al.18and theoretically explored by Geser and Valente19. On one hand, BNCT treatment has the capacity of delivering high dose levels in the proximity of boron atoms due to the high thermal neutron interaction cross section of...
硼中子俘获疗法(Boron Neutron Capture Therapy,简称BNCT)是一种基于中子照射的放射治疗技术,主要用于治疗某些恶性肿瘤。这种治疗方法的基本原理是将一种含有硼-10的化合物注入到患者体内,该化合物会聚集在肿瘤组织内。然后,患者接受中子照射,中子与硼-10发生反应,释放出α粒子和锂核,这些粒子的能量足以摧毁肿瘤...
Since neutron cross sections vary sig- nificantly between elements, NCT dose calculations must model the elemental compositions of different tissue types in the region of interest. Concentrations of hydrogen, ni- trogen, and boron have the most influence on neutron transport and dosimetry. BNCT ...
1) boron neutron 硼中子1. Study on boron neutron lifetime log and its application in practice; 硼中子寿命测井技术及其现场应用研究2. In the boron neutron lifetime log, boric acid with high capture cross section is injected into formation; as a result, the capture cross section of formation...
The 10boron has a very large cross-section for thermal-neutron capture, and this property has been used in neutron capture therapy (NCT) for inoperable brain tumors. During NCT, a boronated compound, preferentially bound to the tumor cells, is irradiated with thermal neutrons. Following neutron ...