《麦琪的礼物》--欧亨利-(英汉对照).pdf,THE GIFT OF THE MAGI 麦琪的礼物 One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. 一元八角七。全都在这儿了,其中六角是一分 And sixty cents of it was in pennies.Pennies saved one 一分的铜板。这些分分钱是杂货店老板、菜
英语文学阅读与鉴赏B7_Unit 4_The Gift of the Magi.doc,Unit Four Get Started ▇ Read the following background notes before class and be prepared for classroom activities. Bio-sketch of the author: O. Henry (1862-1910) was the pen name of the American write
THEGIFTOFTHEMAGI麦琪礼物中英对照.pdf,。他抱拥地烈热且而 �”姆吉“作称他把是总 �拉德的位诸给绍介刚是就 �太太 杨·姆厄林迪·斯姆詹 �时间房的上楼进走 �家回杨·姆厄林迪·斯姆詹当每 �过不 。�母字的际实求讲又而逊谦成写缩否是着忖思地肃严正
英语名著阅读-麦琪的礼物The Gift of the Magi.ppt,Deep Thinking Who are the Magi ? What is the gift of the Magi ? 山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会—— The Gift Of The Magi 经典短篇小说阅读 Meet the Magi They brought gifts of frankincense ,myrrh , and g
Whendoyoureceivegifts?Fromwhom?Whatisthegreatestgift?O.Henry Shortstory whowhen,where whatwhy charactersbackground plotconflict theme backgroundWhendidthestoryhappen?Characters •Whoarethemajorcharacters?•Whatistheirrelationship?Setting/backgroundWhen?AtChristmaswhenpeopleexchangegiftsasacustom.Characters •...
The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry (CINE-BOOK)CINEBOOKS
学科网为您提供人教版高中英语Book 8 Unit 4 The gift of the Magi教学课件共14张PPT含文本素材精品资料,欢迎您下载使用,获取更多人教新课标高中英语选修八课件优质资源请关注学科网
Why does Tom begin reading the book? A. Because he likes reading. B. Because he likes things about magi c. C. Because his father asks him to do that. D. Because he likes reading with his sister.( )40. What's the RIGHT order of the passage? a. Tom gets a gift from his fath...
Martin's mother( )41. What's the RIGHT order of the story? a. Tom gets a gift from his father. b. Tom stops reading the book. c. Tom begins reading the magic book. d. Tom finds that the book itself is the key of magi c. A. a-b-d-c B. a--c-b-d C. c-d- a b...
Listening and reading系列114 | 《绿皮书》Green Book 《绿皮书》是由彼得·法雷利执导,维果·莫特森、马赫沙拉·阿里主演的剧情片,该片改编自真人真事,讲述了保镖托尼被聘用为世界上优秀的古典钢琴家唐开车。钢琴家将从纽约开始举办巡回演奏,俩人之...