S0309,既是圣诞专辑,又是second kiss,爱死caroline了S0312,超级保姆,BB带宝宝不错啊,这点不用担心了,Baby的出现也让bones丢开了以往冰冷的感觉,dance phalange以后有宝宝要试试呀S0314,我最爱之一,bones的歌声足足让我会问了好几个星期,直到可以完整的唱玩这首歌,当然这也是booth第二次英雄救美,这一枪可真...
Brennan (Emily Deschanel) and Booth (David Boreanaz) will be joined by a son on the upcoming season ofBones, EW has learned exclusively. The little guy is the second child for the married couple who already have a daughter, Christine. “I won’t say a name, but Brennan is going to ha...
而我可以接管富尔顿的部门 Or we could just have a baby 又或者我们可以生个孩子 and live our lives and be happy. 然后开开心心地过我们的小日子 This will be our last case. 这将是我们最后一个案子 Booth and I... need a change. 我和布斯需要做些改变 Im gonna miss you so much, Brennan. ...
和操纵木偶有关的事 请坐在原位 I just need to take a quick recess and I will be right back. 我去休息一下 马上回来 Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢 谢谢 Okay, it looks like he made us, huh? 好 他好像认出我们了 So much for being talent scouts. 星探扮演就到此为止吧 Okay. 好 Booth?
Seeley Joseph Booth is a Special Agent with the FBI and the current FBI liaison to the Jeffersonian. Seeley Booth is currently an agent with the FBI. He frequently consults with his professional partner Dr. Brennan, whom he has nicknamed 'Bones', and her
女士们 先生们 ladies and gentleman, 很抱歉打扰你们 但FBI探员布斯先生 sorry to disturb you, but agent booth of the fbi 有话想对大家说 would like to address you. 大家注意一下 我需要征用一些牙膏 attention, everyone, i need to requisition some denture cream, 婴儿粉 还有个丁烷打火机 baby ...
我很幸运 他有一个了解他的搭档 Booth and I have become very close. 布斯跟我紧密无间 By necessity. 但这是必须的 Congratulations again. 再次恭喜你们 Im happy for you both. 我替你们两个高兴 Thanks. 谢谢 One thing, Hannah. 还有一件事 汉娜 I want you to be sure about this. 我希望你对这...
Spent all his time up here with his comic books and toys. He was a lonely kid. Died before he even had a life. I really thought he had just run away. We tried. Tried to get him out of this place into some kind of reaI life. ...
Booth is getting the old case files to find links. 布斯正在查看旧卷宗 寻找线索 The stumps on the victim's fourth and fifth ribs show 死者第四和第五根肋骨的残余部分 evidence of hemorrhagic staining. 表明曾有大出血的迹象 So two ribs weren't sawed off. ...