Booth说“I deputize you”就和拿着魔杖说“ridiculous”一模一样e04 Hodgins的bug rapture笑到不能自理,他怎么能这么开心啊。Booth时而幼稚鬼时而可靠真是太可爱啦,beautiful and rare, just like you! 身上挂满Vote Bones!Interrogation Room的夫妻档默契真是太美好啦,Booth充当翻译什么的,虽然Presidential的剧情莫名...
1x09 Tori Amos - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas1x10 Depeche Mode - Precious1x10 Ferry Corsten - Show Your Style (Feat. Birgit)1x10 Goldfrapp - Ooh La La1x10 Baby - Free Los Angeles1x12 Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country1x12 Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Feel itnow1x12 Donnie ...
Make no Bones about it: Booth and Brennan will be back on the case next fall! Fox has renewed the hit procedural for a seventh season after coming to terms on a new license fee agreement with producer 20th Century Fox TV. “Bones is creatively fresh, it’s a rock-solid player every ...
Brennan (Emily Deschanel) and Booth (David Boreanaz) will be joined by a son on the upcoming season ofBones, EW has learned exclusively. The little guy is the second child for the married couple who already have a daughter, Christine. “I won’t say a name, but Brennan is going to ha...
have say in 有发言权 真的心有所属你也没奈它何,是不?这种事情上由不得我们。赞! Grow a set. Be a man. Step up. grow a set 【俚语】有点男人的样子 这句是比较粗俗的俚语哦,有一点点侮辱的意思,说对方每个男人样子。当然这里Gordon Gordon是为了把Booth骂醒嘛。
而我可以接管富尔顿的部门 Or we could just have a baby 又或者我们可以生个孩子 and live our lives and be happy. 然后开开心心地过我们的小日子 This will be our last case. 这将是我们最后一个案子 Booth and I... need a change. 我和布斯需要做些改变 I'm gonna miss you so much, Brennan...
During this episode, Booth, Bones, and Angela take some evidence to Caroline, and Booth introduces them both (most importantly Brennan) to Caroline. However, in season 1, episode 19, "The Man in the Morgue", (which would have taken place after this initial first meeting) when Brennan is ...
Booth and Brennan investigate the scene where a car was run off the road and the victim's body deliberately burned beyond recognition. When the team hears muffled whimpering during the site investigation, they find the victim's baby miraculously perched in a tree above the scene of the crash....
Brennan informs Booth she was pregnant, she really was. This was the way they could write Emily Deschanel's pregnancy into the "Bones" storyline and not have to resort to the antics of past TV shows that would hide pregnancies using props or hiding the actress behind something so the "...
Yeah... 蒜香口味的 当然可以 Booth. 布斯 Okay, that's great. 太好了 We're about, uh, two minutes away. Thanks. 我们还要两分钟就到 谢谢 Guy's truck is about a half mile from here. We're good. 那家伙的卡车离这里不到一公里 很快就到 And Bones, listen, thanks for worrying about ...