为什么 他几乎对你视而不见 Ignoring me is Booths way of acknowledging my presence. 忽视我是Booth承认我存在的方式 Its a guy thing. 这是男人之间的默契 Here we are. 我们到了 Dr. Brennan? Dr. Brennan? Yes. Im Ian Dyson with the NTSB. 我是 我是NTSB的Ian Dyson This is my assistant, 这...
Brennan's empirical, literal view of the world causes friction with Booths emotive, instinctive attitude creating a volatile relationship. However as their case load increases the symbiotic partnership produces results and with the support of Brennan's Squint Squad, murderers, past and present should...
好了 亲爱的 What if Booths right? 要是Booth是对的怎么办 What if Im only good with bones and lousy with people? 要是我只对骨头在行 不会与人交往 People like you. 人们都喜欢你 I dont care if men like me. 我才不管男人喜不喜欢我 Okay, interesting leap from People To Men, 从人们变成...
我父亲是个银行抢劫犯并被控谋杀 My father is a bank robber and an accused murderer. 布斯比马克斯杀过更多人 Booths killed more people 那他还在这里做事呢 than max has and he works here. 别提那件事 你为什么一定要提呢 Dont bring that up. whyu have to bring that up? 布雷纳恩博士 其实你也...
Will Brennan always have to have Booths approval where her money is concerned. Why does Booth not have to change. Of course, if he wants a grill it is ok. Booth is very controlling and I have not liked that aspect of the relationship. Why is it always her who has to change. 0...
C’mon. ?(She walks behind him and he leans his butt in avoiding her.) [Cut to: Booths S.U.V.? He is driving.] Bones:? That’s the best you can do? Booth:? What? Bones:? Getting Homeland Security to snatch me so you can stage a fake rescue. Booth:? Well at least I ...
He has served me drinks in a dirty glass forgotten my food order about 3 or four times then last night it was about 6 of us at the bar 2 or 3 guests sitting at the booths on the side! My friends and I were laughing at some stories when I’m assuming the GM came up to me by...
Brennan's empirical, literal view of the world causes friction with Booths emotive, instinctive attitude creating a volatile relationship. However as their case load increases the symbiotic partnership produces results and with the support of Brennan's Squint Squad, murderers, past and present should...
Brennan's empirical, literal view of the world causes friction with Booths emotive, instinctive attitude creating a volatile relationship. However as their case load increases the symbiotic partnership produces results and with the support of Brennan's Squint Squad, murderers, past and present should...
Brennan's empirical, literal view of the world causes friction with Booths emotive, instinctive attitude creating a volatile relationship. However as their case load increases the symbiotic partnership produces results and with the support of Brennan's Squint Squad, murderers, past and present should...