Unreal Engine 4 Runtimes for Creature, the 2D Skeletal + Mesh Animation Tool gameskinanimationenginecharactermeshunreal-engineue4side-scrollercutout2dspinecreaturedeformationboneskeletalcreature-animationcreature-runtimespaper2due5 UpdatedJul 15, 2022
struct in UnityEngine Description 模型中的骨骼与 Mecanim 人体解剖学中的概念骨骼之间的映射。 Mecanim 人体骨骼和模型中的骨骼名称随限制肌肉值(用于在动画期间限制骨骼的旋转)一并存储。 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; public class ExampleClass :MonoBehaviour{ void Start() { Dictionary<...
struct in UnityEngine Description 映射到模型骨架骨骼的变换组件名称的详细信息,及其在 T 形姿势中的默认位置和旋转。 Unity 中使用的骨架模型有多个骨骼。SkeletonBone结构具有用于描述每个骨骼的位置、旋转和缩放的属性。这些骨骼未显示。可创建MonoBehaviour.OnDrawGizmosSelected工具来查看骨架。可使用SkeletonBone位置数组...
skeletonInfo.rayInfo[1].hitNormal = Vector3d(hitRightFoot.normal.x, hitRightFoot.normal.y, hitRightFoot.normal.z); // 获取踝关节目标位置 skeletonInfo.targetPoint = new Vector3d[SKELETON_LEG_NUM]{ 0.0f}; skeletonInfo.footHeight = footHeight; skeletonInfo.footAngle = ankle...
then if you screw up and hit them in the head 9 times out of 10 they turn over upside down and eat the fly anyway. Not in Florida. It’s the NFL for bone fisherman. But if you can cast and present the fly where it needs to be you can catch many bonefish in Florida no ...