Client British Medical Journal (BMJ) Sector Healthcare Services Agile Software Discovery Bespoke Software Consultancy User Research UX Design Bespoke Software Development Mobile Experiences Software Testing Usability Testing Request a meeting Helping medical professionals worldwide access clinical information 70%...
BMJ Mental Health - Our Full Story12 March 2024 Listen to Editor of BMJ Mental Health, Andrea Cipriani, talk about the journal's aims and scope, the advice he has for authors thinking about submitting to the journal, what the journal has to offer to readers, highlights from the journal an...
journal article Open Access Collection Patient experiences in multidisciplinary care for persistent somatic symptoms across four European countries: a cross-sectional comparison Mamo, Nick; Kustra-Mulder, Aleksandra; Hanssen, Denise J C; Weigel, Angelika; Tak, Lineke; Olde Hartman, Tim C; Löwe, ...
line drawings and flow chart) should be provided where possible. Additional figures or other material may be published on the journal website in the form of online-only supplementary material. We need informed consent from patients for any material you obtain from ...
By submitting this rapid response your are agreeing to our full rapid response requirements. Please do not include original data in your response, unless it has already been published in a peer reviewed journal and you are able to include a reference. Last Name * First name and middle in...
Journals -- Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), PLOS One, New Scientist, Ecology Letters Online databases --- Academic One File, Britannica Academic, EBSCOHost, Facts on File I'm still not sure what source I have. What should I do? Scroll through our long list of source...
<textvariable="container-title"suffix=". "form="short"/> </else> </choose> </macro> <macroname="date"> <!--Print full date as "Published online first" for journal articles w/o volume and page range and with DOI or URL --> ...
anxiety, Journal of Social History, Spring, 1999 Claudia Infanta, ¿How do medical complaints regulate medical practice? BMJ e-letter, 8 July 2004 Jurgen Kocka, Losses, Gains, and Opportunities: Social History Today - introducing the issues...
Full range 0 to 3.5 Full range 0 to 3.5 25°C Full range 4 − 0.3 to 4 25°C AVD Large signal differential Large-signal voltage amplification VO = 1.4 V to 4 V, RL = 10 kΩ 25°C 0.3 Full range 0.3 CMRR Common mode rejection ratio Common-mode VIC = VICRmin, RS = 50 Ω...
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