Two independent reviewers will screen identified studies’ titles, abstracts and full texts. Discrepancies will be handled by consensus or consulting a third reviewer author. Data extraction will be conducted using a standardised form. The selection of studies for the review is anticipated to be ...
bmjopen-2013-003113 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: Pulmonary arterial hypertensionassociated with connective tissuedisease: meta-analysis of clinical trialsMasataka Kuwana,1Hiroshi Watanabe,2Nobushige Matsuoka,3Naonobu Sugiyama4To cite: Kuwana M,Watanabe H, Matsuoka N,et al. Pulmonary arterialhypertension ... Full Text
In BMJ Mental Health's first Editorial, Professor Andrea Cipriani outlines the aims, scope and vision for the journal, and discusses the benefits of an accessible, fully open access journal in the field of mental health. Professor Cipriani also discusses what he will stand for as Editor-in-Chi...
BMJ open 65岁以上血液系统恶性肿瘤 (OCAPI) 患者个体化体育锻炼计划:单臂可行性试验方案 分享智慧 共同成长 摘要简介患有癌症的老年人受到衰弱、癌症疾病和治疗副作用的综合影响。血液系统恶性肿瘤患者的主要治疗方法是化疗,化疗具显著毒性。化疗可以改变患者的身体机能和生活质量,而这些在老年患者中往往已经由于衰弱和...
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“Subject has reported with Severe symptoms/reactions … Per protocol, subjects experiencing Grade 3 local reactions should be contacted. Please confirm if an UNPLANNED CONTACT was made and update the corresponding form as appropriate.” According to the trial protocol a telephone contact should have ...
Full range 0 to 3.5 Full range 0 to 3.5 25°C Full range 4 − 0.3 to 4 25°C AVD Large signal differential Large-signal voltage amplification VO = 1.4 V to 4 V, RL = 10 kΩ 25°C 0.3 Full range 0.3 CMRR Common mode rejection ratio Common-mode VIC = VICRmin, RS = 50 Ω...
Psychologically and politically, the reason this is so difficult is that basically you are trying to get people to develop - and quickly - a form of global or ‘species consciousness’ that empathises with the needs of all other people, that transcends national and smaller group boundaries and...