Explore genome insights with BMC Genomics, an open access journal with 3.5 Impact Factor and 21 days to first decision. Exploring all aspects of ...
Additionally, the journal considers: Research on education and educational methods specific to medical education. Studies relevant to other educational communities which could be applied beyond the medical profession, will be considered only if there is a clear implication for the medical field ...
Furthermore, teaching supervisors provided peer listening and guidance, and the effect of the first round of online teaching based on the newly developed SPOC was tested and published in a peer-reviewed journal [23]. Regarding the quality of the course evaluation, the exam questions were drawn ...
The proposed method can be used in conjunction to real biological datasets in the assessment of data mining techniques. The main strength of this method consists in the full control on the simulated data while retaining coherence with the real biological processes. The R package MVBioDataSim is ...
BMC Microbiology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in analytical and functional studies of prokaryotic and ...
is another reliable, valid, low-cost measure of health status that was created to assess the general population [73]. The HSQ-12, in contrast to the also validated 12-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12), can distinguish between people with and without dementia [74]. On the other hand...
PLoS One. 2012, 7: e52256-10.1371/journal.pone.0052256. Article PubMed Central CAS PubMed Google Scholar Huo LR, Liang XB, Li B, Liang JT, He Y, Jia YJ, Jia J, Gong XL, Yu F, Wang XM: The cortical and striatal gene expression profile of 100 Hz electroacupuncture treatment in 6...
Elsevier. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-critical-care/covid-19. Accessed 20 July 2020. COVID-19 Articles Accepted for Fast-Track Publication in Psychological Science. Psychological Science. SAGE. https://journals.sagepub.com/page/pss/covid-19. Accessed 20 July 2020. Full fee ...
Citations of datasets, when they appear in the reference list, should include the minimum information recommended by DataCite and follow journal style. Dataset identifiers including DOIs should be expressed as full URLs. For example: Hao Z, AghaKouchak A, Nakhjiri N, Farahmand A. Global ...
Reflective learning, which includes journal writing, peer reflection, selfreflection, and group discussion, has been explored to improve critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The development of various thinking modes and abilities, such as algorithmic thinking, creativity, and empathic concern,...