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required for full induction of the JA/ET defense pathway marker gene and for resistance to the necrotrophic fungal pathogensB. cinereaandA. brassicicola. The mutant with a loss-of-function mutation in theA. thalianaElongator subunit 2 presents compromised resistance to the studied fungi, together wit...
Article Google Scholar Stanley N. Associative Stigma against Mental Health Nursing: Ways Forward. Creat Nurs. 2021;27(3):172–7. Article Google Scholar Raynor P, Eisbach S, Murillo C, Polyakova-Norwood V, Baliko B. Building psychiatric advanced practice student nurse competency to conduct com...
BMC Biology volume 21, Article number: 238 (2023) Cite this article 2219 Accesses Metrics details Abstract Background Therapeutic peptides play an essential role in human physiology, treatment paradigms and bio-pharmacy. Several computational methods have been developed to identify the functions of ...
Articles inBMC Medical Educationshould be cited in the same way as articles in a traditional journal. Because articles are not printed, they do not have page numbers; instead, they are given a unique article number. Article citations follow this format: ...
Screening for undernutrition in geriatric practice: developing the short-form Mini-nutritional Assessment (MNA-SF). J Gerontol Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001;56(6):M366–72. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/56.6.m366. Article CAS Google Scholar Krumholz HM. Post Hospitalization Syndrome - A condition...
be invariant to the order in which the nodes are arranged, so that it can be used to characterize the molecular features of the graph regardless of how the graph is represented. Finally, they arrange the descriptors of each subgraph in sequence, to form the persistent graph curvature ...
This article provides a perspective on a new framework that can help bring together evolutionary theory and current systems biology, which have much to offer to each other. Central to this approach is the definition of fitness correlates that can be computed in current systems biology models and ...
The best-known of those, Open Access, consists of making all scholarly communications freely available with full re-use rights. Open Access also encompasses early dissemination of manuscripts in the form of preprints (articles not yet published in scientific journals). The term “preprint” can ...
Full size image Unconstrained segmentation model The observed data(y1,…,yn)are supposed to be a realization of an independent random process(Y1,…,Yn). This process is drawn from a probability distributionFwhich depends on two parameters:θis assumed to be affected byK−1abrupt changes called...