Sorry, we tried helping our users with such issues before, but it always backfired. Users would then run into much bigger problems further down the road, and would expect our support to review complex schematics of custom boards, or look through large projects written by someone else, that so...
The build goes into a good bit of detail on the design and operation of the device, and all of the PCB schematics and source code are available on the projects GitHub page if you want to build your own. There are plenty of other projects out there that make use of GPS-based time for...
Included ar all the schematics and pcb design. Note that the lcd and push buttans are on the back side of the pcb.Also note that the connections to the lcd might be different from the one i am using.NOTEThis is only the prototype to test my design. When everyting is working and ...
Security Insights Additional navigation options master 1Branch0Tags Code README MIT license Blue Pill STM32F103C8T6 ⚠️Work in progress. Depends on STM32F1 support in MicroPython. MicroPython board definition files for the generic blue pill STM32F103C8T6 dev board. ...