I have an STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill board, and I'm trying to get the RTC to function correctly when Vdd is removed. However, when I disconnect Vdd, the RTC doesn't operate as expected. Sometimes, when Vdd is supplied, the RTC starts counting from the time I disconne...
STM32 Blue Pill Rotary Encoder One 5mm LED One 220 ohm current limiting resistor Connecting Wires Breadboard Connect the components as shown in the schematic diagram below:Connect the LED’s anode pin to PA6 through a 220 ohm resistor. The cathode pin will be grounded. ...
工欲善其事,必先利其器。 这个开源项目使用STM32F103C8T6-BluePill(8元包邮)来制作T12焊台控制器,助你拥有一个得心应手的焊台!!! 此控制器命名为T20,和J20航模遥控器做成一个系列,20也象征着开发时间。 元件清单(BOM) (1)T12烙铁头(焊贴片用刀头,焊插件用尖头) (2)烙铁手柄(笔者买的907手柄)、硅胶线(...
Here is where knowledge of the actual HW is required. Figure 4 shows the schematic diagram of the STM32duino BluePill module. As can be seen, the MCU is a STM32F103C8T6. So, this is what is selected. [Click on any of the screen shots below to open hi-res version] Figure 2 – ...
STM32 Blue Pill One 10k resistor One Push button FTDI programmer/ USB to TTL converter Connecting Wires Breadboard Connect the components as shown in the schematic diagram below: Connect of end of the push button with PA0 through a 10k ohm (pull-down) resistor which is grounded at the other...
STM32_BluePill This GitHub repository contains an implementation and demonstration of the STM32 design tutorial using KiCad 6. It includes schematic designs, PCB layouts, and related project files created with KiCad 6 for an STM32 microcontroller-based circuit. About...
第一步:开启新篇章首先创立一个工程,步骤如下图所示:输入工程名以及选择保存路径:添加一个PCB 库,步骤如下图所示:点击左下角的Project才能在工程处添加哦~添加一个Schematic 库,步骤如下图所示:注意:如果不小心关掉了窗口,在右下角处 69次下载 2021-11-18 1.69 MB 李功林 下载资料 STM32F103C8T6 Board的...
T20焊台控制器 元件清单(BOM) 引脚说明 版本说明 THANKS T20焊台控制器 工欲善其事,必先利其器。这个开源项目使用STM32F103C8T6-BluePill(8元包邮)来制作T12焊台控制器,助你拥有一个得心应手的焊台!!! 此控制器命名为T20,和J20航模遥控器做成一个系列,20也象征着开发时间。 原理图部分主要参考了sfrwmaker的开...
(e.g.NUCLEO-F411RE programming Blue Pill-STM32F103C8T6 by 4pin-Jumper Wire) 本文介绍如何使用Nucleo-64开发板上的ST-LINK/V2-1对外部应用板中的STM32 MCU进行编程/调试(e.g.NUCLEO-F411RE烧录Blue Pill-STM32F103C8T6(使用4根杜邦线)) The following schematic diagram is the 4th page of ...
You may either downgrade to the old version or use another BluePill with the proper firmware as CMSIS-DAP interface for debugging (but not from STM32CubeIDE). Your MCU will execute the STM32F103 firmware programmed into it but ST tools don't support it since the are made to support only ...