A Window watchdog timer for observing the errors in signal reception and transmission STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill Schematic Diagram Following picture shows the schematic diagram for your reference. In case your Blue Pill got damaged, you can refer to this schematic diagram to replace faulty components:...
The brains of the operation is an STM8S103F module, aka the Blue Pill, which is paired with a DS18B20 temperature sensor. [Tim]’s original coaster has one in a TO-92 package embedded in the top layer, but ultimately he went with the probe version as it reads a truer temperature by...
STM32F103C8T6 board, alias BluepillIt provides an affordable (about $2 on eBay) and flexible way for users to try out new ideas and build prototypes. The board is equipped with an STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller compatible with the NUCLEO-F103RB platform. ...
Step 2: Hardware It is made with a STM32F103C8 microcontroller on a Blue Pill development board. The STM32F103C8 is cheap, quite fast and more than capable for a job like this. The LCD screen is a ILI9341, these a quite common on Aliexpress, Ebay and others, but I made a mistake ...
Figure 4. Schematic illustration of Lac immobilization on PpPD/Fe3O4 nanocomposite. FFiigguurree4 4. .S Scchheemmaattiicci illlluussttrraattioionno offL Laacci mimmmoobbiliilzizaatitoionno onnP PppPPDD//FFee33OO44 nnaannooccoommppooss...