Jean Jacket Blue Color Hex #7b90a2 RBG rgb(123,144,162) HSL hsl(208,17%,56%) HSB hsb(209,24%,64%) CIELab CIELab(58.76,-3.32,-11.98) CMYK cmyk(24%,11%,0%,36%) RED 48.24% GREEN 56.47% BLUE 63.53% Jeans Indigo Lambent Lagoon Light Opale Love Priestess Marsh Orchid ...
Hex RGB HSL #2d5c6c foreground Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.Henry Ward Beecher … #2d5c6c background A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.Michelangelo … #2d5c6c shadow A work of art which did not begin...
Jean Allsopp Bring the turquoise hues of the ocean into your kitchen with a sea-glass blue backsplash. The bright mini arabesque pattern adds energy, while asandy wall colorand white cabinetry help keep the tiles from being too jarring, and the playful window treatment reinforces the cheerful ...
★ 7321-21 Jean Fringe#abcdda ΔE = 0.863 / LRV ≈ 57.4% Dutch Boy ★ Birds of a Feather#a5cbd8 ΔE = 0.872 / LRV ≈ 55.7% RAL ★ 230 80 15 / Alpine Morning Blue#a6ccd8 ΔE = 0.879 / LRV ≈ 56.2% Behr ★ Drip S460-2#a6ccd8 ΔE = 0.879 / LRV ≈ 56.2% Shalimar Pai...
The Voice Of Color#3a5f7dchinese porcelain#3a5f7dchinese porcelain#395e7dchinese porcelainTollens#355975 Jean brut#375b7cTouareg#375b7c TouaregWalmart#4b6179historical dusted indigo#34536dsleepover scare#225c7bnautical blueWilko#2c4767after hours...
Color trends 2021: discovering Japanes Blue - INDIGO BLUE IN INTERIORS AND DESIGN on
OBJ name="NameCompartment" type="UMLNameCompartmentView" guid="ZNO2TlS9JEanlnQlJJJHlwAA"> <XPD:OBJ name="NameLabel" type="LabelView" guid="3TcxK12Z206LU5HZt+Yq/gAA"> <XPD:ATTR name="Text" type="string">FairyGUI</XPD:ATTR> </XPD:OBJ> <XPD:OBJ name="StereotypeLabel" type="...
如果您的企业已经依赖于使用多层的企业 Java 应用,那么您也许比想象中更接近无线科技的未来。通过描述一个样本应用,Aashish Patil 向您展示了如何用最少的人力物力把您现有的企业 Java 基础构件连接到无线网络中去。使用现有的 EJB、修改过的 Servlet 以及新的 WML 和 WMLScript 页面会使这个过程产生一个飞跃。如果...
Jean Jacket Blue Lamb's Wool Light Olive Love Potion Marsh Mix Milan Moscow Mule Nevermind Nirvana Old Mauve Pale Mountain Lake Turquoise Pencil Lead Pink Salt Powdered Quiche Lorraine Regent Grey Rosewood Apricot Santa Fe Tan Shady Character ...
Hex RGB HSL #cdcfd3 foreground The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.Jean-Jacques Rousseau … #cdcfd3 background The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.Aristotle … #cdcfd3 shadow Art is a...