decoration: BoxDecoration( color: HexColor(color), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(1000)), child: Text( type, textAlign:, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 13), ), ), 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 16 踩坑集成打包APK 项目运...
JSPatch:JSPatch 利用 Objective-C 运行时桥接了 Objective-C 和 Javascript。你仅需引入一个小的引擎,就可以使用 JS 调用任何 Objective-C 的类。JSPatch 通常用来对 iOS App 做热修复(hotfix)。官网 缓存 SDURLCache:URLCache的子类,可以为 iPhone/iPad 应用提供的本地磁盘缓存。官网 Awesome Cache:让人喜爱的...
Color Hex Picker - a tool for getting the name of any color from any image. You also get the HEX code and RGB value for the color. Color Hunt— free and open platform for color inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-picked color palettes. ColorKit— a tool for blending colors and...
From the heyday of Silent film and the advent of talking pictures to the late "˜20s to 1934 Pre-Code Hollywood, films were rife with provocative and suggestive images, where women were kicking up a storm on screen… The end of the code during the early 60s dared to offer social comme...