Blue Jeans Color Hex #5dadec RBG rgb(93,173,236) HSL hsl(206,79%,65%) HSB hsb(205,61%,93%) CIELab CIELab(68.22,-6.01,-38.89) CMYK cmyk(61%,27%,0%,7%) RED 36.47% GREEN 67.84% BLUE 92.55% Blue Jewel Bright Bronze Cadillac Coupe Cathedral Grey Chivalrous Fox Cold Bl...
There are hundreds more blue hex codes, since blue is the most popularchoice of favorite colors. No wonder blue jeans became a favorite attire! Blues are also a popular choice for branding, with many companies using it as their official color. Need help picking a specific shade? You can fi...
颜色RGB 93,173,236是一种亮蓝色,其颜色名为牛仔裤蓝(Blue Jeans),与其最接近的颜色是picton蓝色英文名Picton Blue#45b1e8, 该颜色的Hex十六进制代码为 #5dadec,RGB值为 rgb(93,173,236)。在RGB颜色空间中,该颜色由36%的红色, 68%的绿色, 93%的蓝色组成。 在CMYK颜色空间中,这种颜色由 61%的青色, 27...
牛仔裤蓝(Blue Jeans) 的css代码 .text-color {color:#5dadec;} .background-color {background-color:rgb(93,173,236);} .border-color { border-color:hsl(206,79%,65%);} .textShadowRgb { text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px rgb(93,173,236); } .textShadowHex { text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #e74...
Jean Jacket Blue Color Hex #7b90a2 RBG rgb(123,144,162) HSL hsl(208,17%,56%) HSB hsb(209,24%,64%) CIELab CIELab(58.76,-3.32,-11.98) CMYK cmyk(24%,11%,0%,36%) RED 48.24% GREEN 56.47% BLUE 63.53% Jeans Indigo Lambent Lagoon Light Opale Love Priestess Marsh Orchid ...
★ Old Blue Jeans / 839#6b89a3 ΔE = 0.543 / LRV ≈ 23.7% Snowcem ★ Palace Blue / S6273#6e89a0 ΔE = 0.82 / LRV ≈ 23.7% GM / General Motors ★ Marliln Blue#6888a3 ΔE = 0.933 / LRV ≈ 23.2% Annie Sloan ★ Greek Blue#6c87a2 ΔE = 0.948 / LRV ≈ 23.1% Sherwin-Wi...
★ 7321-63 New Jeans#366279 ΔE = 1.442 / LRV ≈ 10.9% Ressource Peintures ★ Deep Powder Blue / HC34#315e75 ΔE = 1.49 / LRV ≈ 9.9% Opaltone / OMS ★ 6204#365f75 ΔE = 1.491 / LRV ≈ 10.3% Behr ★ Superior Blue S490-7#395e74 ΔE = 1.653 / LRV ≈ 10.1% Plascon ...
#607d99Jeans Lavado#425c63Imensidão AzulTaubmans#366079lake macquarie#345e7fblue lagoon#356787norwegian blueThe Voice Of Color#3a5f7dchinese porcelain#3a5f7dchinese porcelain#395e7dchinese porcelainTollens#355975 Jean brut#375b7cTouareg#375b7c Touareg...
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#newjeans飞天小女警MV预告#笑死,五个小女孩的卡通形象超级贴合诶! û收藏 转发 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Û 查看更多 a 464关注 1098粉丝 12502微博 微关系 她的关注(450) 内蒙古那个胖桃桃 牛津Kate朱朱 电影九...