Seamless and continuous awareness of blood pressure changes. Simply inside the ear canal – without cuffs. Read More Body temperature Seamless body temperature curve indicating your health status. Read more Respiration rate Continuous data on your breathing rate seamlessly monitored. ...
Rarely, bleeding can occur from a diverticulum when a blood vessel inside the diverticulum is weakened by the infection and ruptures. Bleeding from diverticulosis (diverticular bleeding) without the presence of diverticulitis is painless. Bleeding from diverticulosis is generally more severe and brisker ...
The lower and upper edges of the box plots represent the lower and the upper quartile, respectively, the horizontal line inside the box indicates the median, and the whiskers extend to the most extreme values within the 1.5 interquartile range of the lower/upper quartile. c–f show mean ...
The Cys-93(β) locates in hydrophobic cavities of Hb, at least 15 Å inside from the molecular surface41. Furthermore, the sulf- hydryl groups of Cys-93(β) in Hb were mostly masked by the maleimide-terminal of excess SMCC. We inferred that the SMCC is an excellent coupling ...
Vasa previa. In this very rare condition, the developing baby's blood vessels in the umbilical cord or placenta cross the opening to the birth canal. Vasa previa can be very dangerous to the baby because the blood vessels can tear open, causing the baby to bleed severely and lose oxygen....
Then the souls or spirit beings from heaven were fused into these bodies and Real Man (Soul) became a physical being (operated from inside the body) created by the Watchers. Similar to what happens when we hop into our cars and use them to get around in as we travel. We do not know...
It might not be as legendary as some of the Coens' other movies (or at least not yet), but Inside Llewyn Davis more than deserves its spot near the top of this list. A melancholy film about creative frustrations and failure, the film centres on titular folk singer Llewyn Davis (Oscar ...
Outside the streets were fillin' up, the window was open wide, A gentle breeze was blowin', you could feel it from inside. Lily called another bet and drew up the jack of hearts. Big jim was no one's fool, he owned the town's only diamond mine, He made his usual entrance ...
And somewhere inside it Sabazius was expecting me. Brass plates with company names in different alphabets were attached to the wall, one under the other. "Wheat Ear LTD", "Trance&Vision", "NewsHolding" and a tour operator named "Odysseus" – probably one or two offices on a floor. All ...
"You on bottom, me on top, with your head hanging over the side, and you're looking up at me, deep inside me, your balls knocking against my ass19, so into how I'm making you feel that you wouldn't care even if you did fall over—how does that sound?" "I'm open to new ...