The right colon, also known as the ascending colon, is the part of the colon into which undigested food from the small intestine is first deposited. It is furthest from the rectum, anal canal, and anus. The transverse colon forms a bridge between the right and the left colon. The left...
Trace a drop of blood from the stomach to the right ear. (You need to be able to trace a drop of blood from any organ or region to any other organ or region naming every artery, vein, heart chamber, heart valve, and organ through, which it would pass)...
Credit: Working Title / Studio Canal / Kobal / Shutterstock You've got to keep up in Burn After Reading, a movie that combines some serious star power with the Coens' trademark black comedy and an impressively convoluted plot. The story revolves around — deep breath— two less-than-genius...
Hmmm... The widow's peak ; Tongue rolling ; Ear lobes ; Freckles ; Eye color ; Polydactyly ; Webbed feet and/or hands ; Albinism ; Rh blood groups ; Cauda ; etc. CAUDA EQUINA - The bundle of spinal nerve roots arising from the end of the spinal cord and filling the lower part of...
For if people had no ear for the new sound, what would the quality of any work matter to them? Such thoughts helped me to see myself in a brighter light while I running towards the montage room. Callirrhoe was working on her own material when I walked in. Small squares of today's...
One hand cupped the back of my head as sharp little teeth nibbled33 at my chin, and I thought of her son biting down on my ear. A family of carnivores. My arms were at my sides, and she grabbed my hands and planted them on her rear. Her breasts asserted themselves against my ...