VideosBlood vessels of the rectum and anal canal.Video: Blood vessels of the rectum and anal canal. Speed: 0.8x | 0.9x | 1x | 1.25x | 1.5x You are watching a preview. Go Premium to access the full video: Arteries and veins of the rectum and anal canal. ...
Marrow of long bones receives part of its blood supply from the nutrient artery, which enters the bone via the nutrient canal at midshaft. The remaining arterial supply enters the marrow through an anastomosing array of vessels that arise from the periosteal arteries and penetrate the cortical ...
Methods:We examined the bony structure of the middle ear and FC, jugular foramen, and carotid canal in 30 Japanese elderly donor cadavers. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the canal structure was achieved using cone beam computed tomography, while macroscopic and histological analyses were also ...
Why are the tissues of the alimentary canal so perfused with blood vessels? Digestive system: When humans take food, it goes through a process of digestion to facilitate the absorption of nutrients that the body needs for its sustenance. This digestion takes place in the Digestive...
It also has a clinical name — cerumen. In part,it’s made of oils and sweatfrom glands lining the ear canal. The majority of earwax though is keratin, the natural protein that toughens skin, hair and nails. This is because theear canal is lined with skin, all the way up to the ...
Hemorrhoids are masses or clumps ("cushions") of tissue within the anal canal that contain blood vessels. Although most people think hemorrhoids are abnormal, they are present in everyone. It is only when the hemorrhoidal cushions enlarge that hemorrhoids become susceptible to trauma from passing st...
Vasa previa. In this very rare condition, the developing baby's blood vessels in the umbilical cord or placenta cross the opening to the birth canal. Vasa previa can be very dangerous to the baby because the blood vessels can tear open, causing the baby to bleed severely and lose oxygen....
Normally, blood pressure is always measured on the same upper arm, at the wrist or in the ear canal, preferably while sitting. When measuring on the upper arm, the cuff must always be placed at heart level. Influences on the measurement ...
(3.6.1). Next, hold the needle perpendicular to the surface of the skin and insert it with a firm push. DO NOT insert the needle beyond the bevel tip, as insertion depth greater than that may result in trauma to the muscles, nerves and other vessels that are in the head, neck, and...
Name the vessels, two blood and one lymphatic that converge to form the left brachiocephalic vein. Trace the blood flow through the kidneys. Start at the renal artery and number the blood vessels in sequence. Trace a molecule of water from the renal artery to t...