blood disorders in the elderly is no exception. although the book is recently published and although most references are from within the past 5 years, many of the concepts explored are already dated. the chapter on myelodysplasia, for example, does not explore hypermethylation and histone ...
Landgren, al. Risk of plasma cell and lymphoproliferative disorders among 14621 first-degree relatives of 4458 patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance in Sweden.Blood114, 791–795 (2009). ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Emery, A. E. H. Parental age and birth order. In: E...
certain modifications of this protein pattern can be associated with specific pathological disorders. The modifications include the presence orabsenceof components, decreases or increases in intensity of components, or changes in microheterogeneity. The disorders included monoclonalgammopathies, hyper- and ...
Plasma cell (PC) dyscrasias are a heterogeneous group of blood disorders characterized by the detection of a monoclonal paraprotein in serum or urine, which is often associated with the presence of clonal PCs in the bone marrow (BM) and eventually other tissues.1With an estimated incidence of 6...
Exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) patients with extrapulmonary Mtb infection; (2) patients with diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and other metabolic disorders; (3) HIV-positive patients; (4) patients with co-infections; (5) patients with co-infections with other severe lung diseases; (6...
Monoclonal immunoglobulins are seen in blood cell tumors that involve lymphocytes or plasma cells. In these disorders, there is typically a marked increase in one class of immunoglobulin and a decrease in the other two classes. Although affected people may have an increase in total immunoglobulins,...
“hypertrophy” on echocardiography 10; hepatomegaly or increased alkaline phosphatase value with no imaging abnormalities of the liver; chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy with a monoclonal protein; or the presence of a monoclonal gammopathy in a patient with unexplained fatigue, edema, ...
and very high concentrations ofIgGcan also cause hyperviscosity. Clinically significant serum hyperviscosity is almost invariably caused bylymphoproliferative disorders(e.g.,multiple myeloma,macroglobulinemia, lymphosarcoma; seeBox 12-2). Hyperviscosity syndrome rarely occurs ingammopathies(monoclonal or poly...
Dear Editor, Monoclonal Gammopathies (MG) are characterized by the proliferation of monoclonal plasma cells in the bone marrow with abnormal secretion of monoclonal immunoglobulins (M-proteins). MG include malignant disorders, such as Multiple Myeloma and Waldenström Macroglobulinemia and premalignant co...
(See alsoOverview of Plasma Cell Disorders.) Plasma cells develop from B cells (B lymphocytes), a type of white blood cell that normally producesantibodies(immunoglobulins). Antibodies are proteins that help the body fight infection. If a singleplasma cellmultiplies excessively, the resulting group...