We prepared fresh blood obtained from naive donors or stroke mice via cardiac puncture while animals were under deep anesthesia. We collected blood in a syringe containing citrate-phosphate-dextrose (CPD) buffer (150 µl ml−1 blood) and rapidly mixed with anti-coagulated CPD buffer for...
Blood and brain collection from old transgenic and wild type mice Transgenic mice used as blood donors were sacrificed by CO2 inhalation at the ages indicated in Table 1. Approxi- mately 1 mL of blood was collected per animal by cardiac puncture using 26G 3/8 needles (BD ...
The procedure caused only localized tissue damage; puncture sites generally healed within 24 hours. We documented 1 case of venipuncture-induced mortality in 73 blood collections (1.3%) from captive Peromyscus , and found no influence of blood collection on apparent survival of wild deer mice. We...
The invention discloses a heart puncture blood collecting device and a puncture blood collecting method thereof for mice of medical research experiments. The device comprises an operation plate, an anesthesia cup and a blood collecting needle, wherein the operation plate is an oblong flat plate; th...
For collection via cardiac puncture, the heart was exposed under general anaesthesia by opening thoracic cavity, after which a heparinised syringe was inserted into the left ventricle chamber of the heart to draw up blood. Bloods were immediately transferred into lithium-heparin tubes (BD Bioscience...
recentmicropuncturestudies in rats and dogs have shown that filtration in superficial nephrons does not increase out of proportion to whole kidney filtration during acute saline expansion (Mandinet al.,1971;Davidmanet al.,1972;Daughartyet al.,1972). In any case, there are no data to support ...
Blood was collected from the control group and Fen (40 mg/kg) group of mice by cardiac puncture. After allowing blood coagulation at 4 °C, serum was collected via centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 15 min at 4 °C. Analysis of the level of alanine aminotransferase (GPT), glutami...
Blood and urine biochemical analysis After 32 weeks of treatment, blood was obtained for biochemical analysis by cardiac puncture before the mice were killed. A 24-hurine collection was performed using metabolic cages 1 day before the mice were killed. Creatinine concentrations in the serum and ...
After 3 weeks, mice were transferred to constant darkness (DD; dim red light, <3 lux) and on the second day of DD blood was collected by cardiac puncture under terminal anesthesia (sodium pentobarbital, 170 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) at CT24 and CT36. Experiments with Bmal1 −/− ...
Briefly, blood and brain were collected from Sham or TBI mice at 3 days following TBI. Mice were euthanized and peripheral blood was obtained by cardiac puncture. And then mice were perfused with cold Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS) to collect the impacted hemisphere. The impacted ...