In a large number of animal experiments, blood collection is crucial for achieving the study aim. Requirements on sampling techniques used include their practicability, their effectiveness in terms of obtaining the desired blood volume, sample quality and low impact on animal's wellbeing. Numerous me...
Blood collectionjugular cathetermicependrinsurvival surgeryLab Animal is a peer-reviewed journal offering information, ideas, methods, and materials for the animal research professionaldoi:10.14814/phy2.13904Annie Y. ParkDepartment of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta GeorgiaPaul M. Plot...
Blood was collected from the heart with a syringe after animals were euthanized with xylazine at the last day of e-cigarette exposure. The plasma fraction was obtained by centrifugation and stored at −80 °C. Following blood collection, the heart was collected and weighed. One half of the...
In comparison to sex hormones, genes residing on sex chromosomes have been relatively under-studied as causes of sex differences in disease development. While the Y chromosome has evolved to contain few genes, the X chromosome contains as much as 5% of the human genome, and could thus potential...
(depth, rate, and pattern), heart and vascular functions (heart rate, capillary refill time, mucus membranes’ color, and pulse quality) and blood oxygen level (pulse-oximetry). The cornea should be kept moistened (e.g., by vitamin A + D ophthalmic ointment or wet pads). The ...
Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests (30%D-glucose; 2 g kg−1i.p.) were conducted at the end of the 18-week diet period in 5-h fasted mice. Blood glucose levels were measured over 120 min using a hand-held glucometer (OneTouch Ultra) to test tail capillary blood. ...
-Heart Circ. Physiol. 278, H1866–H1873 (2000). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Colleran, P. N. et al. Alterations in skeletal perfusion with simulated microgravity: a possible mechanism for bone remodeling. J. Appl. Physiol. 89, 1046–1054 (2000). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar ...
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is one of the most prevalent congenital heart defects, with adverse cardiac remodeling and long-term cardiac complications. Here, searching for pathomechanisms, we find upregulated bublin coiled-coil protein (BBLN) in heart specimens of TOF patients with cyanosis, which ...
Rats exposed to high-doses of AAS at young age developed permanent damage to the heart36. In addition to being nephrotoxic, long-term exposure have been shown to have detrimental effects on rabbit hearts, such as myocardial tissue damage and impaired diastolic function37,38. In the present ...
During the entire imaging process, the mice were positioned on a warmed platform to track the body temperature, heart rate and respiration. Hepatic/renal and maximum liver planes were analysed. Average intensity/mm2 (a.u.) was calculated by taking the average intensity of three different areas ...