Verilog Blocking and Nonblocking Assignment 官方文档原文传送门 阻塞式赋值(Blocking Assignment) 阻塞式赋值用法示例(使用=) a = b + c; a = #10 b + c; // 延迟10个时间单位 理解 和普通的C语言一样。
照惯例,还是先将官方说明贴出来,verilog 2001关于blocking and non-blocking assignment 表述如下: blocking assignment :A blocking procedural assignment statement shall be executed before the execution of the statements that follow it in a sequential block (see 9.8.1). A blocking procedural assignment state...
In the always block above, the Blocking Assignment is used. In this example, the value 1 will immediately propagate to r_Test_3. The Blocking assignment immediately takes the value in the right-hand-side and assigns it to the left hand side. Here’s a good rule of thumb for Verilog:...
还有一种带repeat循环的Intra-Assignment Delays的过程赋值,例如: always @(IN) OUT <= repeat(8) @(posedge clk) IN; 可用于阻塞或非阻塞赋值。 为了能更好理解,代码加了一些$display,以显示语句执行的时间,据此统计次数 modulecomb_logic_assign16;bitin;bito1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6;initialbeginin=0;o1=0;...
In Verilog, a commonly known rule states that in always blocks , only blocking or only nonblocking assignments should be used, not a mix in one
<= Nonblocking Assignment = Blocking Assignment 1 2 3 4 5 6 always@(posedgei_clock) begin r_Test_1 <=1'b1; r_Test_2 <= r_Test_1; r_Test_3 <= r_Test_2; end The always block in the Verilog code above uses the Nonblocking Assignment, which means that it will take 3 clock cy...
官方文档原文传送门 和普通的C语言一样。ps.对于暂存,不要想存在哪里的问题,没必要了解。因为Verilog是硬件描述语言,这个是为了描述一些硬件中数据变化之类的行为。那么,左边的值什么时候发生改变,即赋值...
3.continuous assignment使用blocking。 1assign y=a&b; 4.一個always區塊中不能同時使用blocking與nonblocking。 See Also (原創) 深入探討blocking與nonblocking (SOC) (Verilog) Reference 王钿、卓興旺 2007,基於Verilog HDL的數字應用設計,國防工業出版社...
由于Verilog HDL是描述电路结构的硬件描述语言,加上nonblocking的并行性,更改上面的begin···end里面的内容不会影响描述电路的电路的结构。 在需要描述多个register assignment的语句中,使用nonblocking assignment,语句的前后顺序与仿真结果无关。 对于blocking assignment begin output...
3.continuous assignment使用blocking。 1 assign y = a&b; 4.一個always區塊中不能同時使用blocking與nonblocking。 See Also (原創) 深入探討blocking與nonblocking (SOC) (Verilog) Reference 王钿、卓興旺 2007,基於Verilog HDL的數字應用設計,國防工業出版社...