照惯例,还是先将官方说明贴出来,verilog 2001关于blocking and non-blocking assignment 表述如下: blocking assignment :A blocking procedural assignment statement shall be executed before the execution of the statements that follow it in a sequential block (see 9.8.1). A blocking procedural assignment state...
Usind the non blocking statement a <= a<<1, it is shifted towards left by 1. But before this execution blocks the execution of the next statement a[0] <=a[3]; we want to assign [a3]'s value to a[0]. If we write the blocking statements in place of non blocking as in ...
If a bunch of blocking statement are independent of each other (no data dependency) then are they synthesized as a parallel combinational blocks ? As an example the following series of codes don't can be actually execute in parallel in hardware. 1 a[0] = b[0]...
Verilator is failing a simulation that Questa and VCS are passing. I eventually tracked the discrepancy down to a cache with four ways, each containing tag memories. The Verilog writes to the memory in way 0. In Questa, the way 0 memory changes. In Verilator, the way 2 memory changes....
In the test bench I have two instances of the module, one is driven by the test bench using blocking assignments (test_inc1), and the other is driven by an always statement using non-blocking assignments (test_inc2). In the output, the blocking assignments increment the counter twice - ...
This page contains tidbits on writing FSM in verilog, difference between blocking and non blocking assignments in verilog, difference between wire and reg, metastability, cross frequency domain interfacing, all about resets, FIFO depth calculation,Typica
And as I said, they are mainly a convenience. This allows you to split expressions in a more readable way, and/or factor expressions. Simple example (VHDL, but that should be exactly the same with Verilog using the right syntax - VHDL variable assignment is ":="): ...
照惯例,还是先将官方说明贴出来,verilog 2001关于blocking and non-blocking assignment 表述如下: blocking assignment :A blocking procedural assignment statement shall be executed before the execution of the statements that follow it in a sequential block (see 9.8.1). A blocking procedural assignment state...
alfikpl: I'm sorry for chiming in, I'd just like to clarify something. In an always statement with posedge / negedge keyword, you are always describing a flip-flop (this is always_ff in SystemVerilog), since this is the element that is edge sensitive. All other always statements are ...