Equally-Space-Colour-Ramp-Handles: A script to evenly distribute colour ramp handles in Blender Slider-Puzle-Text-Tutorial:Slider Puzzle for Blender 3D in Python Text-Editor-Bookmarks:Add line number bookmarks to text files in Blender 3D to easily jump between sections of code ...
Space evenly:Place the vertices on the loop in regular distances. Set Curve: This tool curves each selected edge loop onto a spline which is controled by the first and the last edge of the edgeloop. The tool operates in the direction of the flow of the edgeloop, indicated by the green...
This is different from the standard Blender conversion of curves to mesh objects which does not distribute vertices evenly. The distribution algorithm nudges the vertices along the curve until they are equally distanced from one another. This feature does have a performance impact on more complex cur...
Created with love from the folks at CG Cookie I am an indie game developer (with some 10+ years of AAA experience). I use Blender for nearly all my 3D work (modelling, animation). I love sculpting, but retopology was always a daunting task. Sometimes I even preferred to create low pol...
Effect system is far from perfect, but it works well enough for most scenarios. You should try to unwrap UVs to as large pieces as possible and have at least two pixel space between each UV island. If you still experience strange behavior near UV island edges, try to use higher canvas ...
Works only on tube-like parts of mesh defined by selection and active vertex (therefore you must be in vertex selection mode) and the selection must have a start and an end ring. Tube-like mesh is: all quads, no caps, fixed number of vertices in each ring. (Best example of such mesh...
There is Object mode which is mostly used to create objects and define their position and orientation in space. This mode is represented by pink outlines in the 3D view. Then there is Edit mode which allows to change the topology of single objects by altering their mesh and is represented ...
importbpyimportnumpyasnpfromspace_view3d_point_cloud_visualizerimportPCVControlo=bpy.context.active_objectc=PCVControl(o)n=100vs=np.random.normal(0,2, (n,3))ns=np.array([[0.0,0.0,1.0]]*n)cs=np.random.random((n,3))# draw pointsc.draw(vs,ns,cs) ...