Equally-Space-Colour-Ramp-Handles: A script to evenly distribute colour ramp handles in Blender Slider-Puzle-Text-Tutorial:Slider Puzzle for Blender 3D in Python Text-Editor-Bookmarks:Add line number bookmarks to text files in Blender 3D to easily jump between sections of code ...
Centers text in the frames when using them, else uses the origin of the text object as the mid-point of the text (which grows equally to the left and right). Right Aligns text to the right of the frames when using them, else uses the origin of the text object as the ending point ...
You can take multiple points of a mesh, and scale them out equally away from your mesh. As you can imagine, there are multiple places this tool comes in quite handy. But wait! There's more! By playing with the thickness slider... you can bevel out the slant on your new sphere-...
This is different from the standard Blender conversion of curves to mesh objects which does not distribute vertices evenly. The distribution algorithm nudges the vertices along the curve until they are equally distanced from one another. This feature does have a performance impact on more complex cur...
Let’s say we have this mesh made of just an edge with a bunch of vertices. Hold D and the left mouse button to draw a stroke in the 3D viewport (this is called an Annotation, and is what used to be called Grease Pencil before that was given a major overhaul). Make sure the ...