017.blender技巧篇扩展中文版017 - 沿着边缘滑动顶点Slide Vertices Along Edges 01:44 016.blender技巧篇扩展中文版016-在网格上打孔 Punch Holes In Meshes 01:12 015.blender技巧篇扩展中文版015 - 凹斜面轮廓Concave Bevel Profile 01:33 014.blender技巧篇扩展中文版014 -提高渲染速度插件 Increase Your ...
017.blender技巧篇扩展中文版017 - 沿着边缘滑动顶点Slide Vertices Along Edges 28 -- 0:39 App 151.blender每日小技巧151 - 如何重置3D游标的旋转How to reset the rotation of the 3D cursor 18 -- 1:10 App 110.blender技巧篇扩展中文版110- 油脂铅笔构建修改器Grease Pencil Build Modifier 34 -- 1:...
To level it out, simply select your loop there, and activate the scale tool, then simply scale it on Z to even out the entire thing. This'll even out your vertices. Chances are good that this action moved the entire loop from it's original intended position. To fix that, just ...
Not even a knife blade edge can be considered perfectly sharp. Most edges are intentionally beveled for mechanical and practical reasons.倒角同样有助于为非自然模型赋予真实感。在现实世界中,物体的钝边吸收光线,并改变棱边四周的着色效果。与看上去过于完美的无倒角物体相反,这带来了种实体的、真实的观感。
For the text object, enable Instancing Vertices. 在物体数据 选项卡中,使用“字体”物体的“公共前缀”来填充 物体字形 字段。 现在,每当文本中的字符与“字体”物体名称的 后缀部分 匹配时,此物体就会复制到该字符上。 Note 物体是重复的,因此它们的中心位于相应字符的 右下角。 曲线路径文本 用来选择一个曲线...
depth of field utilities. Contribute to p2or/blender-dof-utils development by creating an account on GitHub.
Blurs the values of all the vertices in the mesh to smooth them out. It uses the smooth weights function available in weight paint mode, but allows it to be used interactively on vertex color channel data. Note: This feature is currently only available when a channel has been isolated. Fa...
The image itself has been modified to even out the levels and also converted to grayscale. In the Image Mapping tab change the Crop Mininum X and Y values to 0.350. Also change the Crop Maximum X and Y values to 0.650. This has enlarged and cropped the image to remove the sky in ...
gl_PatchVerticesOut:输出patch中的顶点个数,它作为gl_out数组变量中的元素个数 gl_TessCoord:作为权值在二维向量和三维向量之间插值 有三个分量 代表与图元细分相关的被处理顶点的位置 流程 第一步是先把顶点传入顶点着色器 然后将顶点着色器中的顶点传入TCS着色器 ...
Blender Secrets 019 - Auto Weld Vertices.mp4 Blender Secrets 020 - Quick Extrude And Duplicate.mp4 Blender Secrets 021 - Copy Objects From One Blender Window To Another.mp4 Blender Secrets 022 - Particles Follow A Path.mp4 Blender Secrets 023 - Edge Slide.mp4 Blender Secrets 024 - Easily Anim...