location=(distance_to_sun, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1) ) # rename the object bpy.context.object.name = obj_name # return the object reference return bpy.context.object N_PLANETS = 6 for n in range(N_PLANETS): # get a random radius (a float in [1, 5]) r = 1 + random() *...
location=(distance_to_sun, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1) ) # rename the object bpy.context.object.name = obj_name # return the object reference return bpy.context.object N_PLANETS = 6 for n in range(N_PLANETS): # get a random radius (a float in [1, 5]) r = 1 + random() *...
Apply Location / Scale / RotationCtrl + A Join Selected ObjectsCtrl + J Copy Attributes to New ...
06 021.blender技巧篇扩展中文版021 -复制对象从一个搅拌机窗口到另一个 Copy Objects From One Blender Window To 01:18 020.blender技巧篇扩展中文版020 - 快速挤出和复制Quick Extrude And Duplicate 01:31 019.blender技巧篇扩展中文版 019 -自动焊接顶点 Auto Weld Vertices 02:59 018.blender技巧篇扩展...
X - Ray 透视模式 线框模式 / 实体模式(默认) Cavity 滤色显示 1.3 主界面 几个快捷键(先选中物体) 坐标(Grab/Move)归零:alt + G 旋转(Rotate)归零:alt + R 缩放(Scale)归零:alt + S 二. 基础操作 2.1 物体常用功能 命名 全选、删除、复制 ...
scale=(1, 1, 1) ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 参数是不言自明的:我们在原点创建一个半径为 3 的球体,具有标准化的比例。(请随意浏览文档以获取有关可用选项的更多详细信息) 再次,通过单击“运行”图标或使用 <Alt + P> 短代码来运行您的代码。Nice!我们刚刚通过脚本在 3D 场景中创建了一个简单的...
With just these options selected, you won’t get any undesired objects exported. Now check the !EXPERIMENTAL! Apply Transform checkbox right below the options you deselected. This applies the position, rotation and scale of all objects. That means any non-uniform values will be reset; if the ...
new_object=create_object("New Object")new_mesh=create_mesh("New Mesh")ifobject_exists("Cube")obj=get_object("Cube")verts=get_vertices(obj)faces=get_faces(obj)edges=get_edges(obj)rename_object(obj,"Delete me")# also you candelect_all_objects()select_all_meshed()select_all_curves()sele...
当单击Apply Scale应用属性之后,Scale属性将自动应用缩放的修改,把属性值重置为1,如图2-45右图所示。 图2-45 Apply(应用)属性Clear:它是与Apply(应用)相反的一个功能,用于清除对物体做的形变等操作。其中位移重置快捷键为Alt+G,转动重置为Alt+R,缩放重置为Alt+S,原点重置为Alt+O。如图2-46所示为Clear(清除)...
S Scale——缩放 X Delete——删除 M Blender Layers——blender层 SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+Ctrl Origin to Geometry——中心点到几何体 CTRL+TAB Sub-Object Selection Menu——子物体选择菜单 ALT+RMB Loop Select——环选 CTRL+ALT+RMB Face Loop Select——面环选 ...