possible loss of data "/wd4305" # truncation from 'type1' to 'type2' "/wd4800" # forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' "/wd4828" # The file contains a character that is illegal "/wd4996" # identifier was declared deprecated "/wd4661" # no suitable definition provided for expli...
[more info] blender-osm : One click download and import of OpenStreetMap and terrain for Blender. VR/AR blender-xr : A free virtual and mixed reality user interface for Blender that enables artists to edit scenes within the software using a suitable headset and controllers. Blender-Metaverse...
Additional context Looks like this is where the color conversion was introduced:#261 julienduroureaddedexporterThis involves or affects the export processMateriallabelsJun 12, 2019 I apologize. For some reason I had myself fully convinced that when you go from sRGB->linear that things get brighter...
Is this lesson suitable for all skill levels? What are the technical requirements for this online lesson? Who will be teaching this lesson? What if I need to change my date or topic at a later time? My child would prefer a group learning experience—is that possible?
A good mesh topology is beneficial to surface smoothness and editability, eases UV texturing and makes a mesh more suitable for rigging and animation. Quad Remesher is capable of automatically retopologizing organic as well as hard-surface meshes, featuring only quadrangular polygons, ready for sub...
"/wd4661" # no suitable definition provided for explicit template instantiation request # errors: "/we4013" # 'function' undefined; assuming extern returning int "/we4133" # incompatible pointer types "/we4431" # missing type specifier - int assumed ) if(MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL ...
Metal shader converter is a tool that converts shader intermediate representations in LLVM IR bytecode into bytecode suitable to be loaded into Metal. It’s available as a library and a standalone executable. All the functionality exposed through the library interface is available via the standalo...