Alt+M Merge Vertices 合并顶点 Ctrl+M Mirror 镜像 Alt+Shift Shrink/Fatten 收缩/平整 K+Click Knife 切割 Alt+F Fill 填充 Shift+Alt+F Beauty Fill 完美切割 Ctrl+1/2/3/4 Add Subdivision Level 添加细分级别 Curves——曲线 H Toggle Free/Aligned Handles——切换自由/对齐手柄 V Vector Handles——...
Ctrl+E Make Seam/Sharp 制作切缝/尖锐 Alt+M Merge Vertices 合并顶点 Ctrl+M Mirror 镜像 Alt+Shift Shrink/Fatten 收缩/平整 K+Click Knife 切割 Alt+F Fill 填充 Shift+Alt+F Beauty Fill 完美切割 Ctrl+1/2/3/4 Add Subdivision Level 添加细分级别 Curves——曲线 H Toggle Free/Aligned Handles——...
If Merge Submesh Vertices is enabled when the FLVER is imported, these submeshes will be merged into a single mesh by Soulstruct using a complicated algorithm that takes materials and vertex information into account. Otherwise, the submeshes will remain disconnected. Either way, each face in the...
快捷键英文Blender_Cheat_Sheet Visit for weekly blender tutorials!B l e n d e r 2.5T h e c h e a t s h e e t
Merge Distance : the distance to determine close vertices. Fillet Engine : the type of engine to be used. There are two types of fillet engine. Number of Cuts : the number of bevel cuts. Twitter / X ...
The solution is fairly simple: Using the “Remove Doubles” tool, you can easily collapse the duplicate vertices into singles. This is done in three steps: Select the duplicate vertices. Right-click and select “Merge Vertices”. From the new options displayed, click “by distance”. ...
Split Mesh along UVs:Prevents the textures from looking warped in areas on export. (Makes sure to separate vertices that are shared among 2 separate UV islands). Sort Materials:Sorts the order of the materials list so it should be close enough to how they import. Helps with stopping material...
【blender 快捷键之歌-哔哩哔哩】
Press theMergebutton: this way the vertices of each cube will merge with the vertices of the next cube, creating a continuous shape (that is what we want for our belt). Note:If you are creating an object that follows a closed curve, press theFirst Lastbutton. This will make that the ...
Merge Weights Deletes the selected bones and adds their weight to their respective parents Delete Zero Weight Bones Cleans up the bones hierarchy, deleting all bones that don't directly affect any vertices Delete Constraints Removes constrains between bones causing specific bone movement as these are...