160.blender每日小技巧160 -捕捉到正字法视图 Snap to orthographic view 00:34 162.blender每日小技巧162 -添加钩子和拉普拉斯变形器 Add hooks and Laplacian Deformer 01:44 161.blender每日小技巧161 - 对象信息和随机颜色Random colors with the Object Info node 00:52 163.blender每日小技巧163 -快速和...
262.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 262 - 将对象对齐到相机视图Align Objects to Camera View (Bl 贺笨笨7296 77 0 271Blender 每日小技巧Blender Secrets 271 - 纹理灯光Textured Spotlight (Blender 2 贺笨笨7296 80 0 272.Blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 272 - 一次打开所有对象的自动平滑Turn on Auto...
鼠标左键在View视图里任意点击一下,确定一个新的3D Cursor游标位址 ⇒ Shift + C(或:3D View视图编辑器的View视图菜单 ⇒ Align View 对齐查看子菜单 ⇒ Center Cursor and View All)居中游标并显示场景中的所有物体 鼠标左键在View视图里任意点击一下,确定一个新的3D Cursor游标位址 ⇒ Alt +Home (...
Design note: the Align View to Active options do not specifically reposition the active object/s to centre-screen but instead simply reorientate the view to the chosen perspective, top, bottom etc., which may offset the item (from screen centre) despite the cameras focus. Align View to Activ...
Blender Secrets 152 - How to set the centre of weight in a rigid body.mp4 Blender Secrets 153 - Grease pencil guides.mp4 Blender Secrets 154 - Grease pencil cutter tool.mp4 Blender Secrets 155 - Viewport transparancy in Object Mode.mp4 Blender Secrets 156 - Correctly display pixel art textur...
repeat the process for the edge-loop that runs from the front and up the back of the seat down the centre (the loop highlighted in pink above), this also needs collapsing as, like the seat, it doesn’t ‘add’ anything structurally to the object (the chair still functions as a chair...
--3D View视图编辑器 ⇒ N 显示Properties特性栏 ⇒ Display显示设置栏目 ⇒ Toggle Quad View切换四视图按钮 ⇒ Lock勾选锁定旋转 ⇒ Box勾选箱式同步显示。 在勾选了箱式同步显示的四视图中,还可以Clip objects based on what's visible in other side views在其他视图可见范围内剪切显示物体。
An object’s transforms are all calculated from its origin point, usually at its centre. We can move this point though, and make an object, for example, rotate around a point outside itself. Alternatively, we can use the 3d cursor tool as a temporary pivot point. ...
Added new Render Tile "Centre" (now by default) so the renders start in the centre of the image and expand from there. This should allow a faster view of the to-be render, as typically most objects of interest are in the centre of the image. [Blender Exporter + Core] New Dark areas...
Added new Render Tile "Centre" (now by default) so the renders start in the centre of the image and expand from there. This should allow a faster view of the to-be render, as typically most objects of interest are in the centre of the image. [Blender Exporter + Core] New Dark areas...