保持相机视角———在N窗的View Lock下,勾选Camera to View (使相机快速聚焦某物体———Lock Camera,选则某物体,小键盘点键聚焦) 2.2选择操作 套索选择———CTRL+右键 加选、选择源物体、去除源物体———SHIFT + 左键选择 源物体:选中后为亮黄色的物体 切换模式———CTRL+ TAB 2.3显示操作 单独显示...
1.Shift+A创建一个Camera 2.“0”锁定相机视图 3."N" Properties View 栏下控制相机运动(Lock Camera to View)(非常类似UE4的过场动画的制作,好多DCC软件道理其实差不多,不过这个的镜头运动操作起来感觉没有UE4的方便得多) 4.先取消勾选(Lock Camera to View),可控制相机视图,(我的是自定义的快捷键,Alt+...
Other improvements:Camera zoom motion blur support: initial implementation, will get future improvementsSupport for extended and clipped image texture extension (repeat/extend/clip) 2楼2015-10-15 12:47 回复 雷曼鲁斯 正式会员 5 Viewport:the ongoing viewport project brought a big performance boost...
Camera:切换当前视图至摄像机视图视角,快捷键为Num0。Tool Shelf:调出工具菜单,快捷键为T。Properties:调出属性菜单,快捷键为N。 Select(选择)菜单如图2-27所示为3D视图窗口的Select(选择)菜单。Select Patten:使用输入查找来选取物体。如图2-28所示为 40、输入物体名称Camera来查找当前场景中摄像头的结果。
Camera Display Size: size of imported cameras in viewport Load Camera Images: load images or not Images Directory: path to directory with undistorted images Image Extension: images extension, they all should be the same (currently) Alpha: camera image alpha, 0.0 - 1.0 ...
renderer.render(scene, camera); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 每20毫秒就会调用一次draw函数,改变长方体的旋转值,然后进行重绘。最终得到的效果就是FPS为50的旋转长方体。 我们在HTML中添加一个按钮,按下后停止动画: Stop 1. function stop() { if (id !== null) { clear...
camera.position.z = 900; scene = new THREE.Scene(); // 添加光源 scene.add( new THREE.AmbientLight( 0x222222 )); directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffeedd, 1 ); directionalLight.position.set( 1, -1, 1 ).normalize(); ...
CTRL+ALT+NUMPAD+0 Align Camera to View——对齐相机到视图 J Cycle Render Slots——循环渲染槽 Numpad . Zoom to Object 缩放到物体 Shift+F Fly Mode 飞行模式 Modeling——建模 SHIFT+Alt Add object——添加物体 E Extrude——挤出 CTRL+LEFT MOUSE Extrude (here)——挤出(在这里) ...
Moving Objects in Blender (3)Adding Objects (4)Duplication (5)Shade Smooth vs Shade Flat (6)Modifiers (6)Subsurf Modifier (7)Solidify Modifier (7)Arranging Modifiers (7)Edit Mode (7)Proportional Editing (8)X-Ray Mode (9)Subdivide (9)Render View (10)Parenting(linking objects) (10)Sculpt...
Fast PBR Viewport Render is a tool that lets you fetch curvature, AO, normal maps, transparency, matID and height from the camera youre currently looking through or directly from your viewport. It uses Blenders "Render viewport" operator which renders pr