...:前端分页 pageSize: 15,// 单页记录数 queryParams: function (params) {// 上传服务器的参数...formatter: option }] }) // 详情按钮..."id": 4, "deviceId": "2345ASDF4", "name": "吴大佐" }] } 效果如下 点击分配按钮...将当前点击按钮改变文字即可...
time('Connecting to Bluetooth Device... '); logII('Connecting to GATT Server...'); logII('> Name: ' + bluetoothDevice.name); logII('> Id: ' + bluetoothDevice.id); opt.devicename = bluetoothDevice.name; opt.deviceID = bluetoothDevice.id; wrapper.invokeMethodAsync('GetResult', opt,...
DOCTYPE html>BlazorApp1Loading...An unhandled error has occurred.Reload🗙
(deviceID); var serviceid = await Storage.GetValue("bleServiceid", string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceid)) BleInfo.Serviceid = Guid.Parse(serviceid); var characteristic = await Storage.GetValue("bleCharacteristic", string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(characteristic)) BleInfo...
[Parameter] public int Id { set; get; } [Parameter] public string? Name { set; get; } } 输入/100/tom 查询参数 @page "/" <PageTitle>Home</PageTitle> 第@(Page)页,共@(Size)页 @code{ [Parameter][SupplyParameterFromQuery] public int? Page { set; get; } [Parameter]...
getElementById(duplexCheckId); let parameters = { license: licenseKey, device: JSON.parse(scanner)['device'], }; parameters.config = { IfShowUI: showUICheck.checked, PixelType: pixelTypeSelect.selectedIndex, Resolution: parseInt(resolutionSelect.value), IfFeederEnabled: adfCheck.checked, If...
Hi, I am working on a Blazor application for weight measurement. Data is coming from a third-party device in real time. I have this weighing results component on my dashboard that I am trying to display on a grid according to some rules. The data grid… ...
protected override void OnInitialized() { Data = new List<DeviceData> { new DeviceData { Name = "电压", Value = 220, Unit = "V", Pos = new List<string> { "16.6%", "25%" }, Range = new List<double> { 0, 400 } }, new DeviceData { Name = "电流", Value = 32, Unit ...
DOCTYPE html>WpfBlazorLoading...An unhandled error has occurred.Reload🗙
<!DOCTYPE html> Blazor WebAssembly Sample <app>Loading...</app> An unhandled error has occurred. Reload 🗙