varurl=window.location.origin;varsettings={authority:"",client_id:"blazorjs",redirect_uri:url+'/callback',post_logout_redirect_uri:url,response_type:'id_token token',scope:'openid profile roles blog.core.api',popup_redirect_uri:url+'/callback',popup_post_logout_r...
@page"/FavoritePizzas/{favorite}"@layoutBlazingPizzasMainLayoutChoose a PizzaYour favorite pizza is:@Favorite@code {[Parameter]publicstringFavorite{ get; set; }} 下圖說明如何結合元件和版面配置來轉譯最終 HTML: 如果您想要將範本套用至資料夾中的所有 Blazor 元件,您可以使用...
-- Any descendant component rendered here will be able to access the cascading value. --></CascadingValue> 在子组件中,可以通过使用组件成员并使用[CascadingParameter]特性对其进行修饰来访问级联值。 razor Deal:@DealName@code {[CascadingParameter(Name="DealName")]privatestringDealName{ get; set...
EditFormis a component that is used to create forms in Blazor applications, while HTML form is a standard way of creating forms in HTML. The EditForm component in Blazor provides features such as form validation, disabling a form control, and data binding. It allows developers to easily creat...
[Parameter]publicstringTagId {get;set; } [Parameter]publicstringClass {get;set; } [Parameter]publicstringStyle {get;set; } [Parameter(CaptureUnmatchedValues =true)]publicIDictionary<string,object> CustomAttributes {get;set; } [CascadingParameter]publicIComponent Parent {get=>_parent;set=>_parent...
@page 指定元件的路由 @page "/product/{id}" <%@ Page %> @typeparam 指定元件的泛型型別參數 @typeparam TItem 使用程式碼後置 @using 指定要納入範圍的命名空間 @using MyComponentNamespace 在web.config 中新增命名空間Razor 元件也會廣泛使用元素的指示詞屬性,以控制元件編譯方式的各種層面 (事件處理、...
插入AuthenticationStateProvider 並傳遞至 ExampleService.ExampleMethod。 ExampleService 會使用 OwningComponentBase.ScopedServices 和GetRequiredService 進行解析,這會傳回使用者線路存留期中存在的正確、初始化 ExampleService 執行個體。InjectAuthStateProvider.razor:razor...
用户ID的最佳方法是使用get_current_user_id()函数。...= $current_user->display_name; 三、通过 Email 获取用户 ID 可使用 get_user_by() 函数获取用户信息 $the_user = get_user_by...get_user_by( 'id', 1 ); // 用户 ID 为1echo $the_user->user_email; 四、通过用户名获取用户 ID ...
Download library from NuGet in the NuGet Package Manager, or by executing the following command in the Package Manager Console: Install-Package BlazorDateRangePicker The component usescss and js isolation, you don't need to add anything to your _Host.cshtml or index.html, just make sure the...
<NavLink class="nav-link" href="digitalclock"> DIGITAL CLOCK </NavLink> The href attribute points to a URI that can just match the route to a component like “digitalclock,” a separate CSHTML file that fully implements a digital clock component. The digitalclock.cshtml file is found...