@danroth27 Can you also consider what happens if user device/browser does not support WebAssembly. Currently the User-Agent header appears to be the only way to detect device details which is pretty 'wild'. It would be nice to have some property or method such as .IsWebAssemblySupported()...
Phork.Blazor.Reactivity - An unopinionated Blazor state management library that utilizes INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged .NET interfaces to automatically detect state changes in components. CodeBeam.GoogleApis.Blazor - An open-source utility package for GoogleApis in Blazor. Written from s...
BlazorSize - BlazorSize is a JavaScript interop library for Blazor that is used to detect the Browser's current size, change in size, and test media queries. BlazorAnimation - A Blazor component based on animate.css to easly animate your content. Demo....
to call a method from the repository class in controller To detect whether the request has come from mobile device or not in Asp.Net core based WebApi project ToList & ToListAsync problem tooling issue - version conflict detected for microsoft.extensions.configuration top-level member mapping?...
both desktop and mobile. Similar to JavaScript, Blazor WebAssembly apps run securely on the user’s device from within the browser’s security sandbox. These apps can be deployed as completely standalone static sites without any .NET server component at all, or they can be paired with ASP.NET...
Detect when a new printer is added, when a printer is removed/deleted, and when any changes or modifications are done on any printers available at the client machine. Windows only Get Print Jobs Status Client Support: Trace print jobs status when targeting any installed client printers. Got...
Ability to check the device's network connectivity state and detect changes Information is provided about the device the app is running on Copying and pasting text to the system clipboard between apps Picking single or multiple files from the device Storing data securely as key/value pairs Using ...
Printers Watcher - Detect when a new printer is added, when a printer is removed/deleted, and when any changes or modifications are done on any printers available at the client machine. Windows only. Get Print Jobs Status - Trace print jobs status when targeting any installed client printers....
The app must detect if a different user is signed into the service so that it can apply operations to the user's account that were made while they were offline. To create an offline PWA app that interacts with authentication: Replace theAccountClaimsPrincipalFactory<TAccount>with a factory that...
BlazorSize - BlazorSize is a JavaScript interop library for Blazor that is used to detect the Browser's current size, change in size, and test media queries. BlazorCss - CSS Helper for BlazorStyled which provides auto complete CSS styles. BlazorCssGrid - Css Helper for defining Grid SPA lay...