A black swan event, a phrase commonly used in the world offinance, is an extremely negative event or occurrence that is impossibly difficult to predict. In other words, black swan events are events that are unexpected and unknowable. The term was popularized by former Wall Street trader Nassim...
Examples of Black Swan Events Though the 2008 financial crash of the U.S. housing market was the first time when this term was used, there have been several such events before. The 2008 financial crash was the last well-known black swan event. The 2008 crash was catastrophic, and only a...
Black Swan Event is a metaphor describing an unexpected phenomenon with a low probability of occurrence, yet has a significant impact.
A black swan event is a high-impact event that is difficult to predict under normal circumstances but that in retrospect appears to have been inevitable. A black swan event is unexpected and therefore difficult to prepare for but is often rationalized wi
One of the most oft-cited examples of a black swan event was the housing market crash of 2008. It occurred shortly after the 2007 publication ofThe Black Swan,and it ticked all of the boxes in Taleb's description: Prior to the crash, it was impossible to calculate the probability that ...
Black Swan Event 的定义和含义该术语是指具有很大影响的罕见且意外的事件。该术语不仅可以广泛地应用于金融事件,还可以应用于一般事件。 例子: The 2008 Financial Crisis was a Black Swan Event.根据国家/地区的单词用法: "Black Swan Event" 世界上许多国家都使用商务英语。 本网站上的某些单词和短语在任何使用...
黑天鹅事件(英文:Black swan event)指非常难以预测,且不寻常的事件,通常会引起市场连锁负面反应甚至颠覆。黑天鹅效应的定义我直接引维基:所谓“黑天鹅”,是指极不可能发生,实际上却又发生的事件。主要具有三大特性: 这个事件是个离群值(outlier),因为它出现在一般的期望范围之外,过去的经验让人不相信其出现的可能。
“黑天鹅”事件(Black swan event)(极不可能发生,实际上却又发生的事件) 名称由来: 17世纪前,欧洲人认为天鹅皆白,无黑。后于澳洲发现第一只黑天鹅,此固有观念随即崩溃。人们便反思:习惯相信的信念,乐观看待的事件,皆可能错。此后,人们便把“不可预测、稀有、影响重大的事件”比作“黑天鹅”。
偶然知道了了Blackswan event “是指满足以下三个特点的事件:首先,它具有意外性。第二,它产生重大影响。第三,虽然它具有意外性,但人的本性促使我们在事后为它的发生编造理由,并且或多或少认为它是可解释...