Hamas has been screaming “kill all the Jews” for decades. The fact that they finally did something about it is completely predictable. The 2008 real-estate crash was not a Black Swan. It was predicted by many people. The French farming protests are not Black Swans. French Labor shutsdown...
The concept of fallen angels is first found inJudaismamong texts of theSecond Jewish Holy Temple(516 BCE and 70 AD). The Second Temple replacedSolomon’s Temple, the First Temple. The Second Temple applied Fallen angels toAzazel. In some traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, it is ...
The Jews aren't strangers. The Jews know their history, the Jews know their culture, the Jews know their language; they know everything there is to know about themselves. They know how to rob you, they know how to be your landlord, they know how to be your grocer, they know how to...
The PA also made a profit from Biden’s presidency despite its program that pays Palestinians and their families as a reward for acts of terror against Jews. Trump and Congress passed a law in 2018 blocking economic support funds for the PA due to its program. Trump later paused all ...
“Re-Image” the Biblical Exodus. Cameron’s uncorroborated claim and mass confusion and chaos production claims that Ahmose I was the pharaoh that expelled the Jews out of Egypt in Exodus. In Cameron’s 2009 $400 million fantasy production,Avatar, princess Neytiri name strikingly resembles the ...
Captain Gregory L. Van Pattenof theMendocino County Sheriff’s Departmenttold Portland, ORKOIN 6that authoritiesdid not find any animals or animal remains at the crash site.[3]Jennifer Hartloved her dogs. She would do nothing to harm. Yet, she and her twisted sister could kill theBlack Chil...
Note that many people denied the Holocaust when it occurred; certainly many European Jews denied the Holocaust even when it was unfolding, which made them more vulnerable to this terrible assault (see, Lifton & Markusen, 1990). It took decades before the world was ready to address this ...
Apropos of security, we’ve all heard the conspiracy theories of Jews poisoning wells, or, well, maybe it’s their wells being poisoned as the case may be … The neighbors had a well drilled, someone on the crew told me the water table was 220 feet below the ...
Through conversion, individual Jews and Muslims gained entry intoChristian societies. Likewise, the embraceof Christianity offered enslaved peoplesfrom Eurasia a pathway towards freedom and social inclusion.9Most importantfor this discussion, beginning in the fifteenth century, communities of freed and...
The numbers ofsecret societymembers with their Satanicfalse idolstouching all aspects of the daily lives of Black Folk including children is absolutely mind blowing, staggering and continues to grow. It is estimated that70- 75%of allblackmale lawyers are members of thesecret society–Alpha Phi Alp...