图拉真期间115-117AD Diaspora Revolt被镇压 第二次犹太人起义 132-135AD ,哈德良是希腊文化爱好者,巡游耶路撒冷期间,依然是一片废墟,打算重建为一做罗马城市。导致第二次起义。主要是游击战。犹大改名为巴勒斯坦。圣殿恢复的希望破灭了。 此后犹太教变成 Rabbinic Judasism,主要受Rabbi领导。无法去圣殿献祭,只能在Syna...
图拉真期间115-117AD Diaspora Revolt被镇压 第二次犹太人起义 132-135AD ,哈德良是希腊文化爱好者,巡游耶路撒冷期间,依然是一片废墟,打算重建为一做罗马城市。导致第二次起义。主要是游击战。犹大改名为巴勒斯坦。圣殿恢复的希望破灭了。 此后犹太教变成 Rabbinic Judasism,主要受Rabbi领导。无法去圣殿献祭,只能在Syna...
Jews can see all over the world their child religion, "the Christian churches," worshiping their nationalist god, Jehovah. Their pride is the reflecting and magnifying mirror of the Christianity and Jehovah, a racist religion and a racist God. The more Christianity exists and flourishes, the gr...
The only Whites committing acts of organized domestic terrorism in the past 6 or 7 years happen to be White leftists and radicals, like Antifa or the Marxist creeps of Redneck Revolt. Raskin’s obsessive-compulsive dedication to performance of his congressional duties no matter what is not onl...
At the same time the condemnation of a nun who was accused of being a secret Jewess was the occasion of a veritable revolt among the nuns. The tribunal in Coimbra organized an auto da fé June 17, 1718, at which more than 60 Maranos, all of them from Braganza, were condemned, and ...
After the destruction of theSecond Templein Jerusalem in 70 AD, and the bloodbaths that followed theBar Kokhba Revoltwhich ended on the 9th of Av 135 AD, Jews in the land of Israel temporarily enjoyed a limited form of religious toleration: they were considered aReligio Licita: a Licensed ...
(Hippolytus, "Philosophumena," ix. 12). The observance of only one custom, circumcision, was for ashort time prohibited by Hadrian; and this prohibition was one of the causes of the revolt in 132 (Spartian, "Hadrian," 14). To the period of this interdiction the Smyrniot inscription,...
http://www.gilai.com/product_935/Silver-Bar-Kochba-Tetradrachm-In-Hebrew-%E2%80%93-Sela.-3ed-Year-Of-The-Jewish-Revolt-Against-Rome-134-CE. This can only mean that Jerusalem was to some degree rebuilt after 60 years, and the temple completely rebuilt sometime after 70 AD, probably un...
(Book of Esther). The Passover Seder is one example of the ability of the Jews to escape from a strong army. The Jewish holiday of Hanukah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. The importance of the...
This conflict, which took place at the Jordan, became so bitter that the Benjamite Sheba ben Bichri succeeded in urging Israel to a revolt, which Joab, however, immediately quelled. Sheba fled to the city Abel Beth-maachah, on the northern boundary of the kingdom; but the inhabitants ...