However, Josephus' history of the Great Revolt of 66–70 CE is 'by far the most important contemporary account of any event in the history of the Roman Empire' (Millar, 1993, p. 367). This is because Josephus, Jewish priest turned general turned 'traitor' 1 turned imperial historian ...
After the fall of the Temple (70), the Roman government, instead of simply abolishing a tax which had no further object, decided to impose it for the benefit of the treasury of Jupiter Capitolinus in Rome ("B. J." vii. 6, § 6; Dio Cassius, lxvi. 7). This was the origin of ...
This, however, did not prevent the vacillating pope from issuing a few months later (Aug. 2) the bull "Ad Futuram Rei Memoriam," in which he commanded that all Maranos who had repented at Rome and had done penance should no longer be persecutedby the Inquisition. The fact that he ... This can only mean that Jerusalem was to some degree rebuilt after 60 years, and the temple completely rebuilt sometime after 70 AD, probably un...
After the destruction of theSecond Templein Jerusalem in 70 AD, and the bloodbaths that followed theBar Kokhba Revoltwhich ended on the 9th of Av 135 AD, Jews in the land of Israel temporarily enjoyed a limited form of religious toleration: they were considered aReligio Licita: a Licensed ...
Main articles: Divi filius, Imperial cult, Imperial cult (ancient Rome), Son of Heaven, and Sacred kingThroughout history, emperors and rulers ranging from the Western Zhou dynasty (c. 1000 BC) in China to Alexander the Great (c. 360 BC) to the Emperor of ...
Rome's chief rabbi criticizes Pope Francis over Israel remarks "A pope cannot divide the world into children and stepchildren and must denounce the sufferings of all," he said. "This is exactly what the Pope does not do." Health & Wellness Osaka bans smoking on public streets ahead of ...
(Book of Esther). The Passover Seder is one example of the ability of the Jews to escape from a strong army. The Jewish holiday of Hanukah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. The importance of the...
The term "heathen" or "Romans" was changed into "sinners" or "men" (Mark ix. 31, xiv. 41, and parallels), and the charge of rebellion against Rome with the implied instigation to refuse the tribute (Luke xxiii. 2) was put into the mouth of the Jewish authorities, whereas Jesus is...
The term "heathen" or "Romans" was changed into "sinners" or "men" (Mark ix. 31, xiv. 41, and parallels), and the charge of rebellion against Rome with the implied instigation to refuse the tribute (Luke xxiii. 2) was put into the mouth of the Jewish authorities, whereas Jesus is...