after all, a mythic story, and one that has beenuniversally embracedby a myriad of spiritual, political and social liberation movements throughout history. Oppressed people and peoples other than Jews have long identified with the experience of the Israelites: MLK, for instance, would routinely fra...
He said that Bleker rejected their requests for increased security and surveillance after Oct. 7, despite a surge of antisemitic attacks across the country. [But apparently not in Enschede, having no reported history of “anti-Semitic attacks,” so no need for the municipality to use public ...
History oh history Read about it, learn it well Once forgotten, twice repeated It can make the earth a living hell Now do we teach our children Fear the stranger, lock the door What became of “All You Need Is Love” Now we need it even more Chorus We walked along and talked awhile...
ascribe to the past a state of affairs that existed only after the fall of the Temple (ad70). The composition of the Sanhedrin is also in much dispute, the controversy involving the participation of the two major parties of the day, theSadduceesand thePharisees. Some say the Sanhedrin wa...
Article History Hebrew literature, the body of written works produced in the Hebrew language and distinct from Jewishliterature, which also exists in other languages. Literature in Hebrew has been produced uninterruptedly from the early 12th centurybc, and certain excavated tablets may indicate a lite...
A bottle ofPeysakhóvkefrom Lublin that made its way to 1930s Vilna, where it was found, after waiting some 70 years, in at attic in Zarétshe (Užupis)[English summary] Remnant of a silver Torah-scroll breastplate (Khoyshn [-míshpet]) donated by Rivke daughter of Shmuel in 1832-...
They have heard him castigate the FBI and the “deep state,” particularly after agents searched for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. How they’ll respond to his remarks, particularly if he shows up as the first former president in American history to face criminal charges, has law ...
It can not be denied, however, that these Ḥasidean or apocalyptic writers took a sublime view of the entire history of the world in dividing it into great worldepochs counted either after empires or millenniums, and in seeing its consummation in the establishment of "the kingdom of the ...
(ib.22); and not long after—at his death, doubtless—the patriarchate was abolished. The apostolé, however, was continued; but in 429 it was converted into a tax for the benefit of the public treasury (ib.29). Its history, it will be observed, strangely resembles that of the did...
Those centers include, but aren't limited to, Habakkuk Outreach Ministries, House of New Beginnings, and It’z A Brighter Learning Center, which all operated out of Baltimore. The first indictment alleges that Smalls' fraud began after the Maryland State Department of Education (MDSE) re... ...