应该是 Disabled 而不是 bisabied 英音:[dis'eibld]意思就是不起作用。或者理解成关闭,禁止都可以。对应的开关选项 Enabled 就是启用 开启的意思
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We answer an open question related to bisimilarity check- ing on labelled transition systems generated by prefix rewrite rules on words. Stirling (1996, 1998) proved the decidability of bisimilarity for normed pushdown processes. This result was substantially extended by Senizergues (1998, 2005) ...
ChemInform Abstract: Bis(thioxo-diethylthiotetrathiafulvalenyl)ylidene, a New Donor Molecule with High Electron-Donating Ability Comparable to Tetrathiafulvalene.dithiole derivativesvisible and UV spectra (organic substances)structure (organic substances)...
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