Glial cells that form the myelin sheath of axons of the peripheral nervous system. Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author...
Then, from such material develop reasoned arguments and questions for future evaluation and research. Reviewers should provide a list of relevant and appropriate references. They should avoid introducing new facts in the form of unpublished data or personal communications. Thus, the reader will be ...
Tinbergen’s questions are a first guiding step to generate questions and hypotheses explaining variation in behaviour. We should also integrate relevant ecological and evolutionary theories, including e.g. the theories of frequency-dependent selection (Maynard Smith1974), parental bet-hedging (Cooper an...
becomes important, as scale up requires populations of cells to interact with one another in a complex bioreactor environment where availability and transport of nutrients (e.g., oxygen levels, pH) can become important116,117,118. At the societal scale, questions of cost and profitability, sustai...
Topical Collection on Mathematical Models of Stem Cell Behavior Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Reconfirm an Experimental Finding by Modelling Predicting the Outcomes of Biological Processes Answer Biological Questions Through Quantitative Modelling Data-Free Model Analysis Conclusions Notes Refere...
[2,21,22,23]. With this study, we tried to answer several questions, including the following. (i) We wanted to know if the cats’ behavior to other known cat-attracting plants is the same as to catnip. To this end, we performed comprehensive behavioral analysis of 6 domestic cats in ...
Also, the Introduction must state the intent of the research in the form of a research question or hypothesis so that no confusion arises as to what advance in fish biology is being sought. Footnotes to the text are not allowed. Text citations of references use the style “author...
Then, from such material develop reasoned arguments and questions for future evaluation and research. Reviewers should provide a list of relevant and appropriate references. They should avoid introducing new facts in the form of unpublished data or personal communications. Thus, the reader will be ...
In simple aqueous systems, the major product of the oxidative decomposition of NO is nitrite, whereas in vivo NO can react with oxygenated heme proteins (such as hemoglobin and myoglobin) to form nitrate. Despite the presence of heme proteins in blood and tissue that should preferentially oxidize...
and exploration of decision-making phenotypes observed in psychiatric disorders4,20. Often decision-making research is interested in questions that involve large populations of animals, tracking behavior over task performance, and exploring different decision-making contexts3,19,21. We designed an automati...