Then, from such material develop reasoned arguments and questions for future evaluation and research. Reviewers should provide a list of relevant and appropriate references. They should avoid introducing new facts in the form of unpublished data or personal communications. Thus, the reader will be ...
Glial cells that form the myelin sheath of axons of the peripheral nervous system. Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author...
This article gives a broad overview of quantitative modelling approaches in biology and provides guidance on how to employ them to boost stem cell research, by helping to answer biological questions and to predict the outcome of biological processes. Recent Findings The twenty-first century has seen...
the eventual application of a nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil requires considerations at the biological communities scale to understand how this bacteria would interact with the native soil microbiome and the target plants109,110. At the societal scale, questions arise as to the safety and bioc...
BIOLOGY TOPICAL: Molecular Biology Test 1 Time: 25 Minutes* Number of Questions: 19 * The timing restrictions for the science topical tests are optional. If you are using this test for the sole purpose of content reinforcement, you may want to disregard the time limit. M C A T DIRECTIONS...
Assessments of significance in such correlation graphs are certainly topical and of interest to the field. The presented work, however, raises a number of questions. ” “For instance, in the section on ‘Weighted node connectivity’ the author first states that an assessment of statistical ...
Lead Pb charge:+2/+4 Charge of aluminum:+3 Charge of hydronium ion:+1 (Common question: “What is hydronium ion? Answer: it’s a polyatomic ion with an overall positive charge and formula as H3O+) Charge of bicarbonate ions:-3 (Common questions: “What are bicarbonate ions?” Answer:...
Except for the red blood cell, little is known about the cellular uptake and metabolism of nitrite, although surprisingly high levels have been reported for vascular tissue1, supporting the notion that nitrite may represent a storage form of NO. Once nitrite reaches the intracellular space, its ...
2 • April 2014 overall study and the review of the literature. The objectives investigated WIC personnel oral health knowledge, confidence and practices to help im- prove access to care for underserved communities. Some questions were derived from previously de- veloped and tested questionnaires...
Also, the Introduction must state the intent of the research in the form of a research question or hypothesis so that no confusion arises as to what advance in fish biology is being sought. Footnotes to the text are not allowed. Text citations of references use the style “author...