You can contact a support member who can answer questions that interest you. Moreover, this option is available round the clock. We value every student who comes to our service, so we want to be close by! Qualified experts Experts with degrees and experience carry out help. When assignin...
This article gives a broad overview of quantitative modelling approaches in biology and provides guidance on how to employ them to boost stem cell research, by helping to answer biological questions and to predict the outcome of biological processes. Recent Findings The twenty-first century has seen...
Then, from such material develop reasoned arguments and questions for future evaluation and research. Reviewers should provide a list of relevant and appropriate references. They should avoid introducing new facts in the form of unpublished data or personal communications. Thus, the reader will be ...
becomes important, as scale up requires populations of cells to interact with one another in a complex bioreactor environment where availability and transport of nutrients (e.g., oxygen levels, pH) can become important116,117,118. At the societal scale, questions of cost and profitability, sustai...
Glial cells that form the myelin sheath of axons of the peripheral nervous system. Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author...
In simple aqueous systems, the major product of the oxidative decomposition of NO is nitrite, whereas in vivo NO can react with oxygenated heme proteins (such as hemoglobin and myoglobin) to form nitrate. Despite the presence of heme proteins in blood and tissue that should preferentially oxidize...
Charge of aluminum:+3 Charge of hydronium ion:+1 (Common question: “What is hydronium ion? Answer: it’s a polyatomic ion with an overall positive charge and formula as H3O+) Charge of bicarbonate ions:-3 (Common questions: “What are bicarbonate ions?” Answer: they are polyatomic ions...
[2,21,22,23]. With this study, we tried to answer several questions, including the following. (i) We wanted to know if the cats’ behavior to other known cat-attracting plants is the same as to catnip. To this end, we performed comprehensive behavioral analysis of 6 domestic cats in ...
The aim of JFB is to publish exciting, high quality science that addresses fundamental questions in fish biology. All submissions must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal. We publish four categories of papers: An Original Research Article: This contains new biological insig...
Additionally, Maier et al. (2021) designed various domain-swapped dimers differing in the number of B and A domains, then tested their binding affinities against the envelopes of HIV-1, influenza, and Ebola. For the first two, the 2B + 1A form showed higherKdvalues than the other fo...