1) bile acid biosynthesis 胆汁酸合成 1. Increase ofbile acid biosynthesisenhances the expression and activity of D-bifunctional protein in rat liver; 大鼠胆汁酸合成加强时肝D-双功能蛋白mRNA表达及活性升高 2. Objective To determine the physiological role of D-bifunctional protein(DBP)inbile acid bios...
Bile acid biosynthesis is the main pathway of cholesterol catabolism. Bile acids are more soluble than cholesterol so are easier to excrete. As amphipathic molecules they participate in lipid digestion and absorption in the intestine and they help to excrete free cholesterol with bile. They are ...
Peroxisomes play an important role in the biosynthesis of bile acids because a peroxisomal β-oxidation step is required for the formation of the mature C 24-bile acids from C 27-bile acid intermediates. In addition, de novo synthesized bile acids are conjugated within the peroxisome. In this ...
Cholesterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) is the key enzyme that commits cholesterol to the neutral bile acid biosynthesis pathway and is highly regulated. In the current studies, we have uncovered a role for the transcriptional co-activator PGC-1alpha in CYP7A1 gene transcription. PGC-1alpha ...
The benefit of PXR in preventing CGD was achieved by its coordinate regulation of the biosynthesis and transport of bile salts in the liver and intestine. The current findings demonstrate an important role of PXR in maintaining biliary bile acid homeostasis, and establish PXR as a potential ...
bile acid donzhiSU0nlei胆汁酸类(bile acid)一类从脊椎动物肝脏中分泌出来的胆烷酸衍生物。胆汁酸在动物体。切产气_皂黯篡紧i髻i翁苹黑幕,:111几针遇:娜H酞胺键连接构成甘氨或牛磺胆汁‘「Al叮rH秘H酸,并以钠盐或钾盐形式存在。、/乏、、言产 高等动物的胆汁酸基本结构为H24个碳原子的胆烷酸(图1),而...
For the best product experience, we recommend you upgrade to a newer version of IE or use a different browser: Firefox or Chrome. For additional information please see the ScienceDirect Blog page. Close Journals Books Shopping cart Sign in HelpHelp Direct export Export file RIS (for ...
Biochemical site of regulation of bile acid biosynthesis in the rat. The production of bile salts by rat liver is regulated by a feedback mechanism, but it is not known which enzyme controls endogenous bile acid synthesis. I... S Shefer,S Hauser,I Bekersky,... - 《Journal of Lipid Rese...
Bile acid formation represents an important pathway for elimination of cholesterol, and the sterol 12α-hydroxylase is a branch-point enzyme in the bile acid biosynthetic pathway, which determines the ratio of cholic acid to chenodeoxycholic acid. Treatment of mice for 1 week with the peroxisome ...
- 1995 - A1142 - www.sciencedirect.comdoi:10.1016/0016-5085(95)28868-6NoneGastroenterology