Manifestos relating to religious belief are generally referred to as creeds. — Wikipedia Credo comes straight from the Latin word meaning "I believe", and is the first word of many religious credos, or creeds, such as the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed. But the word can be applied...
The commotion produced by this controversy led to the summoning of the first ecumenical council--that of Nicea (325 AD), and the framing of the Nicene Creed, affirming the full deity of the Son. A like controversy about the Spirit (the Macedonian, 4th century), led to the confirming of...
The Holy Bible, opened to the Book of Isaiah. Christianity Foundations Jesus Christ The Gospel Bible Old Testament New Testament Ten Commandments Christian Theology Trinity: Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit Atonement Nicene Creed Creation Defense of Christianity Salvation History and Traditions ...
2. Gospel of the Egyptians: Three short and somewhat mystic verses are all that are left of what is known as the Gospel of the Egyptians. They occur in Book III of the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria, who devoted that book to a refutation of Encratism, that is, the rejection, ...
Nonetheless, there is a new development, for here it is not the poisonous victual that the evildoer eats, as in the preceding verses (20:14, 16) but the wholesome food that he will never eat because he has died of his eating. He will not savour quintessential food, that is oil, ...