The more modern meaning of the word "trinity" began to "firm up" by the time of the First Council of Nicaea, in 325. That resulted in the production of the Nicene Creed, which says: We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of all things visible and invisible; And in one ...
Volumes include biographical sketches, a timeline of ancient Christian sources, indexes, bibliographies, and the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed in Greek, Latin, and English. These are valuable resources for scholars, teachers, and pastors interested in understanding key theological essentials in light ...
Manifestos relating to religious belief are generally referred to as creeds. — Wikipedia Credo comes straight from the Latin word meaning "I believe", and is the first word of many religious credos, or creeds, such as the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed. But the word can be applied...
Jews taught the same things to adults who wanted to convert to Judaism (proselytes) as they did to their own children:“The regulations for the reception of proselytes, as developed in course of time, prove the eminently practical, that is, the non-creedal, character of Judaism. … The ...
Note here that “apophatic” has little content save being against the Nicene Creed and similar to a variety of non-Christian faiths and Process theology. Further note how similar the above comments sound tothat of Gretta Vosper, the United Church of Canada pastor fighting to keep her credentia...
There are no explicit affirmations of specific creedal formulations like the Nicene Creed. Books Published by Roni & Elisheva Mechanic: Discover a captivating collection of literary works authored by Roni and Elisheva Mechanic, showcasing their unique storytelling talent and creative insights. These ...
D. Kelly says that it is significant that both the Apostle's Creed and the Nicene Creed mention the fatherhood of God before speaking of him as creator; that is, he was always Father, but he was not always creator (D. Kelly 2008: 449). This understanding of God's eternal fatherhood ...
result in alternate readings in Bible versions. So, this book affirms the Apostles Creed but finds fault with the Nicene and Chalcedonian creeds. In sum,The Restitutionseeks to restore to Jesus his identity as a man who was essentially subordinate to the one and only God, the Father ...
So, what would it look like for churches to have an intentional liturgy and recite creeds like the Nicene Creed but also leave room for authenticity, lament, relationship, and the moving of the Spirit? I’m not entirely sure. But my church is working towards it. I do know if we are ...
But he’s not a biblical scholar or theologian, bless his heart. I mean, the song is fine. If you like it, listen to it. Like the old adage about wine, if you enjoy it drink it. If you like Boone’s Farm, slurp it up, my friend. No judgment here. But just so you know:...